The Beauty of Life

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Author's Note: This poem was my first, but it is shared with @TheBookworm1237 . There are two perspectives in this poem, written in different fonts. The prologue and epilogue are shared point of views.


Love will be lost,

Won't be restored

They will lose faith and gain it once more,

The hatred will take over,

Then set you free

Making you wonder if this is all a dream

Once you see what true love can be


Love is like a cage

Traps you in

Before you can get out

Builds unbreakable walls

Ones that cannot be torn down

Like a sea that pulls you under

Before you can cry out

It crashes down like waves

Of Lightning and Thunder

You can miss in it the blink of an eye

But you will never be the same

After love messes with your brain

You can never be sure who's wrong

And who's right

Love can tear people apart

As much as it can bring you together

Just make sure you look

Before you choose

A choice that could end your love forever

Love is cruel, love is special, love is cherished, love is hated, love is lost, and it's found

Love is the beauty of life


How can love be but a choice?

It doesn't trap those who don't fall in,

Those who don't fall don't need a way out

Before they can scream or cry or shout

That, oh, life isn't fair!

No one could love me so what's the point?

This loneliness pulls me in,

Almost as much as love would if I let it win.

But I won't surrender to its siren song

Even if what I do to avoid it may seem wrong

There is Lightning and Thunder

Amid the churning sea

Dangerously hopeful I am

And hopefully dangerous love is

And can be

Thinking that I might just get free

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