your depression

22 6 3

WARNING: Potentially triggering content


This was supposed to be your depression.

Filling your mind with endless questions.

Your sadness.

Lights fading as the theater closes, 
no time to stop and smell the roses.

Your madness.

I watch and wait,
wait and watch, 
smile and talk.

At least, I try to...
But by now, 
I think I forgot how.

Your insanity.

I feel like I'm empty.
Nowhere to go.
But no one cares anymore.

Your nightmares.

You believe the movie's over,
just like your life could be over.

But you can only see your ending.

Your fears.
Your insecureties.
Your scars.

And in the back of our minds,
before curtain call,
we both know
the ending it brings
for everyone else.

This is my depression.

Filling my mind with endless question.

Your sadness.

Is mine now, too.


(A/N) I'm sorry.

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