My R - Season 6

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This oneshot contains suicidal thoughts, self-deprecating thoughts, everybody being hypocrites, mentions of fighting, implications of panic attacks, delusions/hallucinations, suicide attempts, implications of PTSD, dickery, and very minor swearing! If you are sensitive to that, do not read!

a - Micheal


'Universe Code' - RUO48


There is a first time for everything.

I wasn't expecting to be on the Statue of Hermity today, ready to do what I was about to do, what I had been thinking of for so long, but again...

There is a first and last time for everything.

My eyes start to scan the area, as it was almost melancholic, numbing.

I was really about to do this. No more restless nights, no more concerned hermits, no more stupid fear of...


I'd be free in whatever afterlife exists... or doesn't...

This was it-

My eyes catch a glimpse of green, reflecting the white light of the sun.

-or not...?

My body doesn't dare move as the green blob morphs into a person sitting on the front edge, beautiful white hair tied down in a ponytail and a shining set of green armour. If it wasn't for the armour, this person would be lost on me, but alas, I know who this is.

"Xi...suma...?" My voice croaks out, an ugly sound.

The person flinches, jumping in their spot, but making no motion to turn their head around, almost closing in on themself.

"Please don't look..." The admin's familiar voice almost wheezes, making it sound like a child gasping for air or a man too scared to see his own shadow.

"...I won't."

As an awkward silence fills the atmosphere, I slowly slog over to the other quiet man, sitting down behind him, slumping the other way as to respect his wish and toying with my fingers.

"What brings you up here?" I sternly start, my eyes not tearing away from the loops being made with one of my thumbs.

"Everything's just been too much lately," he remarks, not missing a beat, "I just keep missing him and I... just... can't afford to anymore. I'm the admin and an admin shouldn't be caught on someone leaving, but... I am. So I guess I came up here to try to talk myself through this..."

My thumb continues twirling in a dizzying spiral as I speak, not paying attention to my wording, "Who left you?"

"Someone...", Xisuma stops as if to consider something, "...who was like a brother to me."

"It's normal to miss someone that close to you, Xisuma.", my voice wavers, "You shouldn't try and force yourself to not miss someone, that never ends well. It's ok to feel this way and need to take days off, the hermits will understand. You shouldn't be forced to neglect your feelings simply because 'you're an admin'."

The man behind me seems to take a moment to consider my words and says with a smile in his strained voice,

"I'll take your words for it, thank you. I was a little eager to get that off my chest."

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