Candles and Rain - Drabble

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This oneshot contains implications of an unhealthy relationship with food, general implications of mental health issues, and implications/depictions of mental illness personification! If you are sensitive to that, do not read!

Oh no- It seems I've gotten a grip on Joe again. Well... I wish him the best with that- - Micheal


I always liked rainy days.

Maybe it was the loneliness, maybe it was the sound, maybe it was feeling, but they always gave me something I could never hope to describe or even recreate.

On days like these, she would always try her best to add to the mood... and today's no exception. Ana is watching the rain with me as I sip on my tea, my bed's blanket never leaving my presence alone.

The water drips from the sky endlessly, as if every breath I take causes it. It was... nice. Refreshing. Hopeful... but only when there's rain. Then no one asks anything of me, then no one cares to check in, then Ana likes to relax. Ana, with her jealous skin and passion hair, smiles pure white, like wings of a white raven. She never leaves me, like a friend or a rival. A frenemy.

We both know tomorrow's going to be another push, so she allows a break. Then, she can be worse tomorrow when everything starts again, but right now, we're watching the rain. The candles never flicker.

Soon, my mug is empty and my stomach whines, to which she only smiles as usual.

"Go on," she hums, "You deserve it."

Tears fill my eyes as I smile back.

"Thank you."

And so, two becomes one.

A boy with glasses sniffling about how he's allowing himself to get another drink of tea...

Weird, isn't it?

Joe Hills sure is a mystery.


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