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"are you sure? My mom really wants you over for dinner tonight" you exhaled loudly, leaning back cocking my head towards him. "yes I'm sure (y/n)!, My dad's actually home tonight and I wanna spend time with him" Micheal laughed, as he turned yet another page from the chemistry book.

You both had currently been in the study hall, it being both of your senior years you had "extra time" to lounge around, both being seated at the far corner of the library as to not 'disturb' others. At least that was the excuse you told.

Micheal was at the ripe adult age of 18, your senior of a year and a half. He wasnt very tall being 5'11", although still having a height advantage of '6 inches. His head was littered with deep dark, brown hair and gifted with stunning dark grey eyes. He always had his hair combed neatly, a slight part in the front. Cheekbones prominent as he was thin, but had a masculine build.

Being as close of friends you were, most often has mistaken you as a couple. These assumptions had been very trouble some, as your parents had forbade it.

"Ugh ..!" You sighed, laying your head on the desk. "What's wrong (y/n)? Miss me already?" He chuckled teasingly.

I sighed in annoyance, "no my family is coming over today so that means I have to sit at the table and talk to people!" I wispered just above a scream.

Micheal's face twisted in disgust. "oh.." is all he said before closing his book quietly before stowing it away in his backpack, that had been hanging by the shoulder strap on the back of his chair.

"Can I come over today?" You begged silently. He shook his head in disagreement. "no (y/n), it's for family " he stressed. "you know the people I actually care for?" He laughed.

Your gaze shifted to his, before burying you face in the sweater he lent you earlier that period. "ouch" you replied, feeling hurt by his remark.

"Did you hurt yourself?" He questioned petting your head.


"No you did.." you stated softly, grabbing your bag and micheal's sweater exciting your chair. "C'mon love, I didn't mean it like that" he whined, grabbing your arm. His eyes were filled with dread, sad.."really..."

He arose from his chair and pulled you into an embrace, his arms hugged you tightly. "I'm sorry.."

He brushed your hair back, "you mean the absolute world too me love, really. You're more then family, you're like my wife or something" he laughed, Wich in return made you.

"Alright I believe you goofball" you giggled returning the embrace. "you can come tonight" he smiled. You can finally meet my dad and siblings, and not just my mom" he hesitated.

"Awesome, I owe you" you changed, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I gotta go to class dork seeya Tonight!" You waved, and with that you raced off to the next class period.  Leaving Micheal a blushing mess.

Not just his sons best friend (William Afton x reader) || UNDER EDITING ||Where stories live. Discover now