Chapter 2

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The line at Mocha Joe's wasn't long at all. In less than a minute, Gianni was giving his order. He could tell by the way the barista was staring at him that she was attracted to him. She made it a point to look him up and down as he spoke and center in on his lips.

He smiled to himself and shook his head as he thanked her and went over to the area to wait for his drink. He looked at the text he just got from his cousin and groaned. Of course, they would be late. He thought to himself as he sent off a snarky reply.

Work was already adding to his stress levels and the day had barely begun. Gianni just needed his coffee to power through. He knew once he got a sip that everything would level out. Moments went by and he was getting further involved with messages from work.

He was so engrossed in work emails and getting annoyed by the second that when he heard vanilla latte he just went up and grabbed the cup. He took a sip and was preparing to walk away when he felt a slight tap on his shoulder.

He turned around ready to snap when his breath caught in his lungs. The most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life stood before him. She looked tiny compared to his 6'4" frame. She couldn't be more than 5'4" and he wanted to protect her instantly.

Gianni was so engrossed in cataloging everything about her from her heart-shaped face, rich mocha skin, deep brown eyes, subtly pointed nose and full, plump lips that he didn't realize she was talking to him. "I'm so sorry. What did you say?" Gianni asked his face slightly reddening with embarrassment.

The young woman chuckled. "Oh, I just said I think you have my drink." Gianni looked in confusion at the cup he held and immediately saw the name Cara Mia written in all caps. Even her name is beautiful...and Italian. He smiled down at her. "I'm really sorry. I was in such a hurry I just heard vanilla latte and ran with it."

She smiled in understanding. "It's totally fine. I'll just get another one." At that moment a barista called out "large vanilla latte for G." Gianni grabbed it and handed it to Cara Mia. "Large, huh? That kind of Monday?" He laughed and shook his head.

"I have so many meetings today it's insane." Cara Mia nodded in understanding. "I get that...Mondays can be hard. But are you sure you don't want your drink? I'm not sure my medium latte can power you through like this large can." He chuckled and nodded.

"I'm sure. I hope this cup brings you lots of success today." She smiled up at him. "Thank you so much, G..." He laughed. "Gianni. My name is Gianni." She shook his hand and it was as though Barry Allen himself hit them with a lightning bolt.

Cara Mia seemed to look into his eyes and see something that even he didn't know existed. She was beautiful and sweet. She was all the things he wanted in a woman and failed to experience due to the types of women he encountered.

There was never a shortage of Italian women that wanted to be the next Queen or Wife to the boss, but he didn't want that. Gianni had settled on living a lonely life if it meant not dealing with fake women and even faker in-laws, but staring down at Cara Mia he was willing to bet it all on her.

There was no awkwardness between them despite the fact that they were standing in the middle of a coffee shop holding hands and staring at one another. The softness of her hand wasn't lost on Gianni and he found himself stroking it. He was so lost in her eyes that he almost missed his phone ringing.

She let go and he swore he would kill whoever it was that interrupted their moment. "I'll see you later, Gianni." She smiled once more before heading out of the coffee shop. He watched her walk away and was enamored. His phone began ringing again and he cursed.

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