Chapter 8

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Rachelle heard voices coming from the living room as she entered the backdoor and only recognized two of them. "Well what do we have here?" She announced as she made her way into the living room.

Everyone's head turned to take in the slim woman with tawny skin and a mischievous smile. Gianni recognized her from the photo on the wall. She was the other roommate and as he assessed earlier a walking temptation. The three were so different in appearance, but knockouts just the same.

"Hey Rach," Cara Mia called as she went to pause the television and turn on a light. "Yeah yeah, hey," Rachelle waved off. "So, who are you two?" Gianni tried not to chuckle and failed, while Luca looked stoic. "I'm Gianni and that's my best friend Luca."

Rachelle eyed them over individually and damn near bit her lip off. "Alright, Rachelle, calm yourself," Ava instructed knowing how her best friend was. Ava looked angry at the way Rachelle eyed Luca and he noticed. He couldn't help but smile at Ava's possessive stance.

"I'm just admiring God's goodness, Ava, damn." Ava rolled her eyes and found herself leaning further into Luca's arms. He rubbed circles onto her arm absentmindedly as Rachelle took everything in. "So, Gianni you like my girl Cara or what?"

Gianni knew if he was drinking something he would have choked. Cara Mia laughed and shook her head at her brazen best friend. "We're just friends, Rach. We all are just friends." Cara Mia gave her a look that begged her to drop it if not for her sake than for Ava's who looked tense and uncomfortable all of a sudden.

Rachelle eyed her best friends and rolled her eyes. "Fine, okay, but we all know that's bullshit. I'll drop it and let you guys believe your lies." Rachelle set her bag down on the table and smiled naughtily. She walked further into the living room and pointed at Gianni and Luca. "So, who are you two going to set me up with?"

Gianni eyed her curiously, while Luca just looked at her as if she were crazy. "Set you up..." Luca looked confused. "Do we look like founders of an online dating service?" This earned him a chuckle from Ava and he committed the sound to memory as he looked down at her smiling face.

"Look here Luke, you can't possibly think you two can date my best friends and not bring someone to the table for me!" Ava and Cara Mia laughed loudly at this, while Gianni and Luca exchanged a look. "Don't mind her, guys. Rachelle is used to being the girl with the guy who tries to force us on double or triple dates. She's just feeling left out."

Cara Mia read her like a book. Rachelle scoffed. "Whatever. I was just being a good friend setting you up with those guys. Ava, you remember that tall guy I hooked you up with? He was nice." Luca found himself gripping the back of the couch harder than necessary as he thought of Ava with another man.

"He was nice alright. So, nice he ordered a steak and multiple drinks before bailing when the check came. I wasted so much money on some date I told you I didn't want to go on." The night bringing on a new wave of anger. Rachelle could sense the shift in mood and steered clear. "Well fine, G and Luke you're off the hook. I know you two couldn't even find the caliber of man I need," she huffed and sat at the counter. "What's your type?" Gianni asked before looking at Ava too late who was shaking her head.

Rachelle looked at Cara Mia and smiled. "They have to be hot." Cara Mia nodded. "Obviously. They have to be wild and spontaneous." Cara Mia added to the list. "They have to try and keep up with her and her ever flagrant needs even though no man could. There isn't a guy that could handle her physically and that's all Rachelle Janeen Wilson wants. No strings attached, uncomplicated, sex-filled fun." Rachelle clapped happily. "You both know me so well!"

The three girls began to laugh, but noticed that Gianni and Luca were having a secret convo with their eyes. "What's with the looks?" Ava asked them looking from Gianni to Luca. "We actually have a guy in mind for you. One that fits all the criteria, but it will be you that won't be able to keep up with him." Gianni stated with a smirk. "Oh, I like a challenge G! Who is he?" Luca shook his head.

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