Chapter 14

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Luca pulled up to Bellevue Hospital and smiled. This wasn't something he did. He wasn't the guy that got the girl, but as he made his way towards the Pediatric wing, he reveled in the fact that Ava was his.

Luca stood by the receptionist area as he waited on Ava. He told her an hour ago that he was taking her to lunch and she was beyond ecstatic. He could hear her smile through the phone as he told her his plan for them that afternoon.

He noticed a man talking to a nurse by a separate entrance and his interest was piqued. He could only see his profile, but for some reason he looked so familiar. Luca couldn't place it and made a move to take a better look, but felt two small arms attempt to wrap around him. He smiled knowing who was behind him and turned around. "Hello, il mio amore." Ava smiled widely as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

"This is the best surprise I've had in a long time." He smiled down at her and basked in her beauty. She wore yellow scrubs that seemed to make her skin shine. He couldn't help but rub her arms and smile at their softness. He gave her a quick peck before he grabbed her hand and led her to the exit. They talked about her day so far as the made their way to the parking garage.

"There's a new Chief that started a week ago. He's been making his rounds throughout the hospital and is supposed to be with us in pediatrics soon." Luca wanted to know everything about her job. He needed the ins and outs to ensure she was safe and protected.

"What's the Chief's name?" Ava looked him over and smirked. "Why? Jealous?" Luca eyed her and then chuckled at her goofy grin. "Someone gets jealous when there's a possibility of them losing what they have. No one is stupid enough to touch what's mine, so no I'm not jealous." Ava looked at him with lust in her eyes and Luca couldn't help but kiss her right there in the middle of the garage.

"You sure know how to get a girl worked up, Luca Di Vaio." He smiled at the way she said his name perfectly. "All I care about is knowing how to get you worked up." He winked as he opened the passenger door for her. He made his way to the driver's side and looked around to ensure they weren't being watched. He made his way out of the garage as Ava settled on a radio station.

"Where are we going?" Ava finally asked as she looked around the black sportscar. "I'm taking you to one of my favorite spots in Queens." Luca said pulling onto the highway. "Babe, will we be able to make it there and back in time?"

He spotted the worried expression on her face and smiled. He brought her knuckles to his lips and kissed them. "The way I drive," he smirked. "We'll have time to spare." Luca drove like a madman, bobbing in and out of traffic as they made their way to Queens.

Ava went from screaming to giggling with so much glee as they somewhat spun into a parking spot. "Luca, I'm going to be sick!" Ava joked as she unbuckled her seatbelt. She learned after the night of the carnival that Luca never wanted her hands to touch a door when he was with her, so she waited for him to open her door before stepping out. She took in the rough, but homey exterior and smiled to herself. She took in the name of the establishment and her smile grew bigger.

"This place is literally called Hole in the Wall," Ava chuckled as they walked in. They were immediately met with the fresh scent of sauces, roasted vegetables and meat. "Luca Di Vaio! As I live and breathe!" An older woman called out from behind them.

They turned to see a small Mediterranean woman smiling widely at them. "Mama Katrina! It's been too long. How are you?" Ava smiled as the two caught up like the old friends they apparently were. "And who is this lovely woman?" Katrina asked eying Ava happily. "A girlfriend I hope." Luca blushed and Ava felt clueless as to what she should say.

Luca's response shocked the hell out of Ava and had Katrina clapping with glee. "Yes, she's my girlfriend." Luca said suddenly and seemed just as shocked as Ava. "Wonderful! Just marvelous!" Katrina called out pulling them to a table in the back. "I'll bring you all of Luca's favorites." Katrina said before heading to the kitchen dancing. Luca hoped Ava wouldn't say anything. He prayed she wouldn't call him out for what he said. And to his surprise she didn't.

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