Chapter 16

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TW: Mention of Rape

Ava laid on her bed with Luca and stared into his hazel green eyes. "You're so handsome, you know that." Luca smiled shyly and traced her features. "Well, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." They laid like that for some time before Luca broke the silence. "How did your parents die?" It seemed like a random question, but it was one that plagued him since she told him of their demise.

Ava moved to lay on her back as Selina jumped on her stomach as if she knew her Mom was uncomfortable. Ava knew that he would ask. There was something about Luca that was just a hint morbid, but she liked that because she had that streak too. She had no idea why she was struggling to tell him.

It was probably because it still wrecked her and she didn't want him to see her like that, but she would be honest. She hadn't lied to him ever and as far as she knew he hadn't lied to her about anything either. She wanted to share herself and this was a part of her. Ava mindlessly stroked Selina as she retold the story of one of the worst nights of her life.

"My parents owned a dry-cleaning business in Brooklyn. Simply Clean was their pride and joy after me of course and I used to love going their when I was a kid." She smiled as she thought on brighter memories. "When I turned fourteen my parents wanted me to have more responsibility at the cleaners. By the time I was fifteen they would sometimes leave me there alone while they ran errands."

Ava took a deep breath and Luca noticed a lone tear fall from her eye. "A week before my 16th birthday they wanted me to work their alone for a few hours. I threw the biggest bitch fit and complained that it was their store and they needed to be there." She wiped furiously as more tears escaped.

"They agreed to come in and worked the closing shift with me. We were leaving and my mom forgot the money in the safe. She told me to go back in and get it. I made it all the way back to the safe when I heard gunshots. The area where the cleaners was hadn't been known for crime and violence, but that night things were different. I ran back to see my parents lying in their own blood with the glass from the shop windows broken all around them."

"She was crying at this point and all Luca wanted to do was console her. "I kneeled between them and cried as I tried to put pressure on their wounds, but there were too many. I called the cops and it seemed like it took forever for them to get there. My father told me he loved me and to be strong for them, while my mom gasped for air. When the first patrol car showed up both of my parents had breathed their final breaths."

"If it weren't for me, they would've never been there and it would be me that was taken and not them." Selina jumped off of her as if sensing that Luca was going to pull her into his arms. He rubbed circles in her back until she quieted down. "Thank you for telling me. But it wasn't your fault. I know for a fact that your parents would much rather their lives be sacrificed than yours."

Luca's mind was already working on who to contact at the police department to get information on her parents' death. He was going to track down who did this and end them.

"What are you thinking about? You're making that face again," she sadly chuckled. "I'm sorry. I'm just thinking about how badly I want to hurt anyone that hurts you." Ava smiled at him and kissed his lips. It started off gently, but turned into something feverish and passionate very quickly. Luca just wanted to make her feel good. He wanted to thank her for letting him in. He found himself unwrapping Ava's wrap around dress. "Luca, wait..." Ava whispered against her lips. "I want you, Ava. I want you so badly, il mio amore."

Luca breathed out as he hovered over her and removed her dress. He stopped dead in his tracks causing Ava to look down. "They are from the second worst night of my life." The tears were welling up in her eyes. Luca wanted to comfort her, but he needed answers.

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