Chapter 30

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Nikolai went to the laptop near the television and pressed some more keys. "I want you ladies to bust out your acting chops. I need those men ready to come and save you." He chuckled as he angled the camera. "Nik, it's not too late. You can still let us go." Ava pleaded as she looked into his eyes. "My love, we're so far passed that point." He held Ava in his arms as he cupped her face.

"I am going to get what I am owed. Justice will be served and the Petrillo's will pay for what they did to me and my family." He caressed her cheek with the sincerest adoration and Ava could not comprehend the gentleness of his action and the harsh reality that they were in. He placed a chaste kiss on her lips and Ava's eyes bugged out, but she didn't push him away. She didn't want to agitate him. He pulled away and sighed happily. "Okay, ladies, let's get this over with." He smiled as he hit record.

It was 8 o'clock and Gianni was in his living room thinking about Cara Mia. He couldn't believe Luca had gone through with it. He couldn't even visualize himself saying those words to Cara Mia. She was his everything, but he knew the longer he kept this secret and kept seeing her the worse it would all be if it came out. He was going to take her out tonight and make a few more memories before having a serious conversation with her. He kept repeating that he was doing this for her wellbeing and her safety.

Luca had gone for a run. He needed to decompress and clear his head, but no matter how hard he tried Ava was at the forefront. He called to ensure that she made it into work alright and they stated she never showed. His first thought was to worry, but he realized that he had broken her heart. He understood that she would need time to herself and hated that he caused her pain, but it had to be done. He was protecting her and keeping her safe the further away from the life and him she got. Luca ran harder wanting to feel his muscles ache as much as his heart did.

Gianni was about to get up and head to his office when Pietro came barreling in. "Something is wrong!" Pietro announced carrying his laptop and hooking it to the television. "What are you talking about?" Gianni asked taking a seat back down. "What's going on?" Luca asked entering the living room.

"I saw Pietro actually run up the stairs to something not relating to sex and knew hell had frozen over," Luca chuckled lightly. "Will you two shut up! Something is wrong with our women!" This comment had them both silent. "Start talking," Gianni instructed looking at the television screen that had a map on it with three dots.

"Rachelle and I were supposed to have breakfast this morning, but she wasn't returning my text or calls. I went over to the house and the front door was open." The hair on Gianni and Luca's arms stood at attention. "I pulled up their trackers and as I suspected Cara Mia and Rachelle's phones were left at the house. But Ava in all her smartness has her phone on her. It shows that they're in Staten Island."

Luca shook his head. "What the hell are they doing in Staten Island?" Pietro typed away at his laptop before a video pulled up. "I don't know, but I put security cameras around their house when we all first started dating and this is what showed from this morning." They each watched as their women were taken into a van by 6 men. The looks on all of their women's faces had them feeling all kinds of emotions, but the most prominent was worry. Gianni was pacing as he thought over everything. The van was unmarked and the guys wore all black with no logos to give anything away.

Luca was breathing hard and both Pietro and Gianni knew what that signaled. "I need you to calm down, Luca," Pietro warned. "We're going to find them. We have their location. I'm sure it's just some punks that are trying to make a name for themselves." Gianni wanted to believe his cousin. That this was some type of ploy from no names and that they would get their women back unharmed.

Luca could only hear the last things he said to Ava before walking out on her. What if those are the last things I'll ever get to say to her? He thought angrily. As if on instinct, Luca reached for his silenced phone and saw the only name that mattered. "She texted me," he informed them as he went to open the text. "When did she send it? What does it say?" Gianni asked frantically. "She sent it at 6:05 this morning. It just says find us." Just then a video alert popped up in Pietro's email. "What the hell is this?" He said opening it and what they saw had them all in shock.

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