Chapter 23

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The drive back was quiet between Luca and Ava. Gianni and Cara Mia made out in the middle row, while Pietro and Rachelle practically fucked in the back. The amount of alcohol that was flowing tonight seemed to exacerbate things. "You sure you don't want me to drive," Ava offered for the second time. "No, I'm good. I never want to see the day where you're driving me."

Ava smiled slightly at that and focused back on the road. He hadn't told her why he walked out. He hadn't addressed her singing or his avoidance of her when he got back in. There was a barrage of negative notions bouncing around in her head, but she told herself to just wait on the truth.

When they made it home, Pietro and Rachelle ran inside while Gianni carried Cara Mia wrapped around his waist upstairs. Ava played with her fingers as she stood awkwardly in the living room with Luca. "I don't know what I did wrong, Luca, but I don't like this." Luca sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "You didn't do anything wrong, Bella. I'm just shit with my emotions."

Ava reached for him and thankfully he didn't recoil. She placed her arms around him. "Did you not like my voice? Was the song too much?" Luca held her chin in his hand. "Your voice is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard next to your laugh. That song was our love song and I feel the same way as those lyrics described." She smiled widely and leaned up to kiss him. "So, what's the problem?" She asked against his lips.

"I love you." Luca sighed. Ava smiled holding him closer. "That's a good thing, Hanzo." Luca shook his head as he distanced himself. "I love you too much. This was supposed to be casual, but my feelings for you are everything but. I don't deserve someone as good as you." Ava looked at him. "Does this have to do with your parents?" Luca looked at her startled. "Cara Mia told me about how you ran away and eventually found the Petrillo family." Ava gave him a squeeze.

Luca didn't think this had anything to do with his parents. I am just worried about protecting her. Keeping my distance keeps her safe. He felt warm hands on his chest and looked down to tear filled eyes. "I will never abandon you, Luca. I was made to love you. I won't scar your loving and sweet heart. That is a promise I know I will forever keep."

Ava could see his eyes misting and laid her head on his chest. She knew what it was like to carry the weight and baggage of past traumas and hurts. She needed him to know that she was never going to add to them, but rather help him carry the load.

Luca didn't know how he hadn't seen it or how she had. He was so certain he was just trying to protect her from heartache by keeping her at a distance, but in actuality he was also trying to protect himself. The wounds of his parents and their abandonment never came to the forefront for Luca, but here was this goddess telling him he was enough and she wasn't going anywhere.

He didn't deserve her. He knew that and he hoped she did too. "I love you so much, Ava." She pulled him close and kissed him deeply before pulling apart. "Show me, il mio amore."

Luca quickly picked her up and ran up the stairs. Luca struggled with the door handle, trying to open it with one hand as the other held Ava up on his waist. Her legs were locked around him as her dress bunched up at her hips. Their mouths moved furiously against each other.

He nearly broke the handle as he kicked the door open and kicked it shut again once he walked inside. Selina meowed loudly before running to the window sill. They undressed one another in the most intimate way before laying on the bed. "Ti amo, Luca." Ava breathed as he hovered above her. "I love you more, Ava," Luca said before burying himself deep inside of her.

Gianni kissed inside of Cara Mia's thigh as he watched her pant heavily. He loved making her come undone with his lips. It drove him crazy the way she would scream his name. He wanted so badly to be buried inside of her and as she pulled him closer to her and kissed him passionately, he gave him.

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