Chapter 3

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Cara Mia stood at the center of the stage and continued to smile. Unlike her previous auditions and interviews, this was a genuine smile. She looked out to the judges individually and noticed just how handsome they were.

Then her eyes met his. Gianni. She thought with a smile. However, the expression he was sporting was anything but pleasant. She figured he didn't want it to look like he knew her for fear of favoritism so she played along.

She stood there in a wine-red wrap around dress with a high split on her thigh with gold accessories and sandals to complete the outfit. Her long black hair framed her face in waves as a gold Greek halo crown sat atop her head. She truly looked like a Goddess and the way each judge looked at her she felt like one.

She had all of her good luck charms on her. She wore the necklace her grandmother gave her on her 10th birthday along with her mother's wedding bands and her father's favorite pendent pinned on. She had to ace this audition. This job would provide the exposure and money needed to take her dance career to the next level.

This club was already getting the buzz desired from any new establishment. She knew it was going to be a hit based on various things like the location and the types of people talking about it around the city. The vision for the club is what had her falling in love and auditioning. The role seemed made for her. Cara Mia was a performer and entertainer. She enjoyed assisting in transporting people to a different time and place where their only focus was enjoyment.

For as long as she could remember, Cara Mia loved to dance. She enjoyed the way moving and telling a story became one. She loved dance more than anything, but she loved teaching dance even more than that. She taught her first dance class when she was 12-years-old. Ever since she was hooked and this audition allowed her the chance to dance and most importantly teach it.

The singing aspect of the gig was just an added bonus. Her mother always told her that her voice would open doors and on this occasion it had. She didn't know why the Lead Choreographer needed to be able to sing, but she was thankful that she could. She hoped they would like her voice enough to give her the job that seemed made for her.

She currently worked as a dance teacher for Danvers' Dance Academy, where she also danced and performed for shows. However, her classes were limited and so was her creative control. By obtaining this job, Cara Mia would be able to push dance to new limits and showcase all that she's ready to teach and perform.

"Hi Cara Mia," the judge on the right spoke. "My name is Pietro Petrillo." Cara Mia couldn't help but smile at him. The man just oozed sex appeal. His somewhat long brown hair was slicked back to accentuate his hazel eyes. He had a scar on his eyebrow that just added to the dangerous vibe he was giving off. His beard was full and framed his full lips perfectly while his muscular build was present, but not overpowering.

"Hi, I'm Giovanni Petrillo." Cara Mia smiled at him. His smile was warm and charming. He was a baby version of Gianni and she liked that. His hair was longer, lighter and tousled. He was muscular, but leaner than Gianni and it worked for him.

They had the same cheekbones, mouth and smile, but where Gianni had blue orbs Giovanni had green ones. You could immediately tell they are brothers, which means Pietro must be their cousins.

Cara Mia brought her attention to Gianni who looked like he was arguing with himself. He finally spoke and it seemed to be through gritted teeth. "I'm Gianni and we'll just go ahead and get started. What song have you choo-" Gianni was immediately interrupted by Pietro. "Wait a minute there, cousin," he smiled looking back up at Cara Mia. "Let's get to know Ms. DiLaurentis first."

Cara Mia could tell immediately who the flirt was in the family and chuckled. "What do you want to know?" She offered holding her hands behind her. "Are you Italian?" Giovanni asked eyeing her. She laughed heartily. "Depends. If you'd ask my Grandma, I'm as Italian as it gets." She smirked at their expressions.

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