Chapter One

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A/N: This is my first Hamilton fanfic (as well as a vampire au, so please bare with me if I don't get any terminology correct 😂)

(Edited October 16th, 2020)


1776, New York City

I stepped off of the wooden ship that brought me here. I wore a simple dress with a sun hat over my head, so the sun wouldn't burn me.

I looked around the bustling port. The ship that I just came off of was from Great Britain, so most of the stuff on the ship was war-related. I breathed in the air, the smell of salt mixing with the blood of everyone on the port.

My eyes lingered on a nearby boat. A man stood, leaning against the railing of the boat he was on. His dark hair was tied back with a ponytail, and all that he was carrying was a knapsack. He looked like a man on a mission. I studied him a bit more before turning away, shrugging softly.

I began to walk, taking in the sights of the city. New York wasn't how I expected it to be, but the thrill of the hustle and bustle excited me. I never had that feeling in England. I was always scared and anxious. I still am, but now I can start a new life, where no one will know me.

'Or figure out what I am.' I thought to myself, grimacing at the subject.

I walked along the busy streets, my suitcase in hand. I only took the essentials, a few dresses, shoes, undergarments, and a picture of my family.

I must have been walking for a while, gazing in awe at the city, that I didn't even realize the sun going down. I looked around. There was a tavern not far from where I stood.

"Hopefully they will let me stay," I said quietly, adjusting my suitcase in my hand before making my way towards the door.

I opened it slowly and looked around. It smelled of beer and alcohol, with some blood, but the scent was covered up by the rest. I was somewhat surprised to see the same guy from the port, standing there, talking to another guy.

The man with the ponytail must have been rambling on about something because the guy he was talking with looked super annoyed. I chuckled before making my way towards the bar.

"Excuse me, sir? Do you have an extra room I could stay in until I found a place of my own?" I asked politely to the bartender, who was a short and beefy man. He had ginger hair, as well as a beard and mustache.

"Hmph? yeah, we have a spare room for ye, lass. I'll give ye the key in a moment." And with that, the man-made his way to a drawer. I watched him quietly.

He soon turned around and gave me the key. "Here ye gae miss. Yer room number is four." I gave him a polite smile, "Thank you, sir." Is all I said before heading to my room.

I walked up some stairs and down the hall, searching for the room. I soon stopped by the door that read '4' and quickly unlocked it. I then proceeded to walk in.

The room was small. There was a bed squished in the corner, next to the window. There was also a vanity mirror with a dresser below it. There was also a bathroom, but it was also small.

All in all, the room seemed cozy. I closed the door behind me and began to unpack. I then placed my clothes inside the dresser. As I did so, I quickly looked up at the vanity mirror.

Unlike most stories of vampires, I could see myself. However, when I do look, I get a slight headache. I'm not sure why, but it happens.

I jumped as I heard someone shout from downstairs. I glanced over by the door, wondering if I should go check it out. Who knows, it could be someone dangerous.

I quickly took off my hat before walking slowly to the door. I then proceeded to open it and walk out. As I made my way down the stairs, I could hear people, most likely men, judging by the tone, attempting to sing.

"Yo, I'm John Laurens in the place to be! Two pints of Sam Adams, but I'm working on three! Those redcoats don't want it with me, 'cause I will pop chick-a-pop these cops till I'm free!" One sang, who I'm going to assume was John Laurens. I walked down the stairs more before spotting the group of obnoxious men.

"Oui oui, mon ami, je m'appelle Lafayette. Ze Lancelot of ze revolutionary set. I came from afar just to say bonsoir. Tell the king casse-toi. Who's the best? C'est moi." Said another, whose voice came out of a tall man with curly hair tied up with a ponytail.

I let out a small gasp, recognizing him as none other than Marquis de Lafayette. I mean, yes, he did say his name, but I knew of the aristocrat.

"Brrrah, brrrah. I am Hercules Mulligan, up in it, loving it. Yes, I heard ya mother said come again!" The last one yelled, who appeared as a buff man with a bandana around his head.

"Ayyyyy." John and Lafayette called.

"Lock up your daughters and horses, of course, it's hard to have intercourse over four sets of corsets," Hercules called before laughing.

I quickly made my way down the stairs and towards the bar. I sat down swiftly before asking the bartender for a glass of water. I watched the group from where I sat, my (e/c) eyes scanning the group, trying to analyze them.

"No more sex, pour me another brew, son! Let's raise a couple more to the revolution!" They all yelled the last part.

"Well, if it ain't the prodigy of Princeton College!" Laurens called, sauntering over to where the bald man sat, and the other man with him watched the group in awe.

"Aaron Burr!" Hercules boomed from where he sat.

"Give is a verse, drop some knowledge!" The cute curly-haired, freckle-faced man pressed.

Wait, what?

I was about to scold myself when Aaron answered John.

"Good luck with that, you're taking a stand. You spit, imma sit. We'll see where we land." Burr answered sarcastically.

Lafayette and Hercules shouted, "Boooo." From where they sat.

I didn't notice this before, but the three men harassing Burr seemed drunk. I could smell from where I sat.

"Burr, the revolution's imminent, what do you stall for?" Laurens asked. I couldn't see his facial features from where I sat, but I had a feeling he was giving Burr a questioning look.

"If you stand for nothing, Burr, what will you fall for?" Asked the man, sitting at the same table as Aaron.

Laurens, Lafayette, and Hercules must not have seen him, because they quickly surrounded him and began to ask questions.

I giggled a bit because the man in the ponytail looked scared out of his mind. He glanced around, trying to find anything he could use against them. His eyes landed on me, and we kind of stared at each other for a bit until he mouthed 'Help me.' I gave him a shrug because I didn't know what to do.

I glanced over at the man sitting not far from me, who ordered a shot of alcohol. I looked back at the guy and pointed at the shot glass. His eyes followed my gesture, and I could see a spark light up in his eyes as if getting an idea.

He managed to get away from the group and began to rant about 'Not throwing away his shot.' He looked back over at me, and I gave him a small smile because I couldn't show off my teeth.

1279 Words

Okay, so like I said above, this is my first time writing an au from Hamilton (and with vampires, so please don't come and attack me.).

Basically this chapter talks about Y/N and how she sailed to America to be free at last. She also has a huge, and I mean HUGE, secret that she has to protect. If anyone were to find out, she'd be done for.

Oh, and John Laurens is here, and somehow, when he tries to sing, he manages to catch the attention of Y/N.

And with that, she basically meets everyone from The Revolutionary Set (including Aaron). Right now she is watching on the sidelines, but who knows, she might actually talk to them 👀

Once Bitten, Twice Shy (Reader x John Laurens)Where stories live. Discover now