Chapter Ten

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A/N: Guys!!! I just recently went on a trip and got to go through a zoo type thing, but it only had reptiles and birds. It was so cool!!!! There was this one bird, a blue and yellow macaw (I think), that waved at me with its wing, so I said, like a normal and polite human being I am, "Hello!" AND GUESS THE FRICK WHAT!!!!! It said "Hello" back!!!!! It honestly made my day. Oh, and I also got to feed a crocodile, which was super fun!!!

January, 1777, Albany, New York


I woke up to John still holding my hand. My eyes scanned the dark room, but I could make out everything that surrounded me. I shifted a bit in my bed and looked to my left and saw John, fast asleep in the chair next to my bed.

His heartbeat was strong, and I could feel my stomach growl in hunger. I quickly sat up, my fangs beginning to grow as the scent of his blood filled my nose. I pulled away from his grip and moved to the other side of the bed, so I was now facing the balcony.

"Y/N? You're awake!!!" John said, still somewhat asleep, but excited that I was awake, "Wait, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked, worry edging his voice. I heard the chair squeak, so he must have moved a bit.

I didn't turn to him, but I spoke softly, "John, go get Peggy. Please?" I didn't want to end up hurting him. I knew I would have to tell him soon, but not like this. Not when I was about to go haywire.

"Are you sure? You just woke up, and I don't want you to be overwhelmed." John said, concerned. I nodded quickly.

"Please, John, go get Peggy," I told him before whispering to myself, "I can't let myself hurt you." I heard him stand up before opening the door and heading out of my room.

~Timeskip~ (brought to you by the Tailor Spyin' on the British Government)

It wasn't long until Peggy rushed into my room, John following slowly behind her. She came around to the side of the bed where I was sitting. She must have known what I needed by the look of my red eyes, because she then told John to leave.

"John, you're going to have to leave. Y/N isn't in the best shape as of now, and by the looks of it, she might be getting sicker. You can tell the guys she is awake, but don't come back until I send you a letter saying that you can. Got it?" Peggy instructed, lying about half of the statement she said.

"Alright. Get better soon, Y/N. I'll see you around?" He asked hopefully, but I could tell from the way his heart was beating, he seemed.....sad?

I nodded, "Yeah, I'll see you around." I mumbled, my fangs getting in the way of talking.

The door opened and closed slowly. I quickly turned to Peggy, "You have to help me sneak out. If I don't get any blood soon, I'll go haywire, and I don't want to hurt anyone." I said pleadingly.

Peggy nodded, "Of course I'm going to help you, Y/N. Hmmm...." she thought, looking out onto the balcony. She then turned to me, "How are you're climbing skills?"

~Another Timeskip~ (Brought to you by swivel chairs)

We were now in the woods, but decided to go the back way, in case there was anyone at the front of the house.

I felt bad for pushing John away, but I didn't want to hurt him. I could never, ever forgive myself if I bit him.

Or anyone else for that matter.

We trekked through the woods in the snow. I still wore John's jacket, which he gave me the night that I blacked out. I had changed out of my nightgown and now wore a dark blue fleece dress, that way I would stay warm. I had winter boots on, as well as a winter hat Peggy let me wear.

Peggy wore most of the same things I wore, besides the jacket. She walked a few feet away from me. I told her to stay away, just in case something happened to me.

We made our way into the woods, the snow crunching under our feet as we walked. I could smell the scent of Peggy's blood, but I tried to push the scent of it away. I focused on what was around me and what I could eat.

We weren't that far in the forest when I heard a noise. It was far off, but it sounded like someone, or something, walking through the woods, towards us. I quickly grabbed Peggy and dragged her behind a tree, gesturing her to stay quiet and stay low, since the person or animal could be making their way towards us.

"Peggy, stay here. I don't want you to see me have to kill, okay?" I whispered, earning a slow nod from her.

I made my way to where we were walking before, and slowly made my way towards the noise. It probably wasn't my smartest move, but if it was an animal, I would have to kill it.

The footsteps got closer as I creeped up onto the being. As I turned by a tree, I caught a glimpse of something move. I quickly turned my head in the direction where I thought I saw something move.

But there was nothing there.

I kept on walking, keeping my senses alright. I soon came across a buck and quickly fed from it. I picked up the corpse and stuffed it into some dead bushes nearby.

As I walked towards the area where Peggy was, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. I kept glancing over my shoulder, but couldn't see anything.

I soon stopped and looked behind me once more. My head quickly turned to the right, my eyes catching something out of the corner of my peripheral vision.

That's when I felt a rush of wind graze against my cheek. Something fell over my eyes, and I was now staring into darkness.

I tried to pull whatever it was from my eyes, but I didn't have time to react. I was now pressed up against a tree, a strong arm pressed against my neck. I struggled to get away from the person, but they pressed their arm against my neck even harder, making me gasp for air.

"Well, well.....look who I found." The person said with a scheming chuckle.

'Oh no, not him...I thought he was gone from my life for good.' I thought to myself, trying once again to get free from his grasp. I clawed at his arms with my nails, but he didn't budge.

1,143 words

Ha! I left it on a cliff hanger 😂. But please don't attack me, the next chapter should be up soon. Maybe I'll start writing it right now 😂.

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