Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Ope, school is going to start soon 😭. But to be fair, I've had a six month summer vacation and I can't wait to actually do something normal once again 😂.



May, 1779, Albany, New York

We took a carriage back to the Schuyler's Mansion. I insisted that I could go by myself, but Ashton had countered that decision by saying that something bad could happen.

So now, I'm in the carriage, with Ashton, back to the Schuyler's. We had an awkward silence on the way back, but Ashton somehow managed to clear the tension in the air.

" did you guys meet?" He asked slowly, his blue eyes glancing up at my (E/C) eyes.

"We actually met at the tailor shop I wanted to go to. I was with Eliza, looking for dresses when John and his friend Lafayette walked in." I told him, "I couldn't really hear what they were talking about, but Eliza yelled something and it caught their attention. They then made their way over and began to talk to us." Of course, I couldn't really tell him about the whole sun condition, otherwise he'll probably get more overprotective.

He nodded before looking out the window. I couldn't tell what his expression was, but by the way his breathing hitched the way it did and the way his heartbeat went faster, I could tell he was either jealous of just unsatisfied with the answer.

"Why do you ask?" I asked Ashton, raising an eyebrow.

He just shrugged, "I was just curious."

I watched him a little bit longer before looking out the carriage window. It was pitch black out, the only light that shone was that of the full moon.

As I looked out into the night, I thought I saw eye shine. I blinked, trying to clear my eyes. I looked back into the direction of the eyeshine.

But nothing shone back.

'How odd?' I thought, looking over at Ashton.

That's when the carriage lurched forward.


John's POV

May, 1779, New York City, New York

I was currently sitting at the bar, messing around with a shot glass out of boredom. I've had a few shots, but not enough to get wasted.

Unlike Alex, Laf, and Herc, who were all wasted. Basically, I was just babysitting them right now.

And after the little incident with Y/N, you would think that I would want to be wasted, but in reality, I didn't. I kind of wanted to be left alone with my heartbreaking thoughts.

"Johnnnnnnnnnnn, come join usssssss." I heard Alex slur drunkenly as he made his way over to the stool I was sitting on.

"No, I'm going to be responsible, which is a surprise actually, and not get wasted." I pointed out, turning to my friend.

"je parie qu'il s'est fait larguer. (I bet he got dumped)." Laf mumbled as he made his way towards Alex. I tilted my head to the side, a bit confused about what he said.

"Vraie. (True)." Alex answered with a slight smirk.

I felt an arm wrap around my neck, which signaled that Hercules had now joined the conversation, "Stop speaking fancy words, you're making my brain hurt." I heard Herc mumble as he stumbled onto a stool beside me.

"Wait a minute......didn't you say that you saw Y/N today?" Alex asked, gently elbowing me in the arm with a devilish smirk plastered on his face.

"Yeah.....why?" I asked pushing him away from me.

"Hey Laf! We now know who dumped him!" Alex yelled across the bar, where Lafayette was now chugging down yet another beer.

"Wait, is that what you honestly thought made me not want to drink?" I asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at Alex.

"Maybeeeeeee." He slurred, wrapping an arm around my neck as well. He then poked my nose with his pointer finger, "Bro, that has to hurt." He mumbled, his face now inches away from mine.

"Okay, we need to get you guys home." I said, flustered. I immediately stood up, which caused Hercules to fall onto the floor, as he was leaning on me. I winced, "Yikes, sorry Herc." I mumbled.

I didn't get a response, so I just assumed that he was asleep and not in a coma. I struggled to lift him up, and after a few tries, I managed to wrap his arm around my neck. "Alex, do something productive and grab his other arm." I ordered, glancing over at Alex.

He gave me a frown, "You can't tell me what to do." He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

I let out a groan, "Alexander, get over here now." I growled, my eyes still on him.

He let out an exasperated huff, "Fine, mom." He grumbled before making his way towards Herc and I. He then wrapped Herc's arm around his neck and we began to make our way out of the bar and towards our camp we were temporarily staying at.

~Timeskip~ (brought to you by John being the unofficial mom of the group in this fanfic)

It took us a while, but Alex and I managed to get Herc to his tailor shop, where we decided to just lay him down behind the counter. We were now almost to the bar when I heard something come from the inside.

Actually, I should say I heard nothing come from the inside, as it was quiet. Alex and I shared a look before running inside.

There, hugging Lafayette and crying into his uniform, was Y/N.

Honestly I was shocked, but I immediately made my way up to her, Alexander not far behind me. She had her hat off, as well as her gloves, but what really stood out to me was her dress. It honestly looked like she walked through a bramble thicket.

"Y/N? Are you okay? What happened?" I asked softly, glancing over at Lafayette, who was speaking to her calmly in French.

Upon hearing my voice, she looked up, her dark eyes glazed with fear and tears. Unexpectedly, she launched herself into my arms. I almost fell back, but I managed to catch myself.

"Hey, you're alright, you're alright." I soothed, gently wrapping my arms around her as she cried into my chest.

She looked up at me, with the same fear stricken and tear glazed eyes. "'s Ashton..." she whispered. I gave her a quizzical look, not sure what to think. Did he hurt her? If so, I would make sure he would never forget it.

"Isaac took him." Was all she said after that.

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Y'all, it's almost 2:00am and I have to get up at 6:00am, so imma get 4 hours of sleep. But it's worth it.

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