Chapter Twelve

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January, 1777, Albany, New York


"H-how did you find me?" I whispered, still struggling to get free from Isaac.

"I have my ways." He said seductively.

"Let me go. I did nothing wrong." I hissed at him, but soon stopped when he pressed his arm into my windpipe.

"Actually, you left you did do something wrong." he growled into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Be happy I stayed with you for a century." I shot back, which was met with a slap against my cheek. I hissed in pain.

"Don't use that tone of voice with me, otherwise I will find a way to make that pain worse." He scolded before saying something quiet, "Did you hear that?"

My cheek stung, but I tried to focus on anything else. My eyes grew wide as I heard someone, or someone's, approach us.

"John, we cant just walk out here by ourselves." I heard Peggy whisper.

"Then explain why you and Y/N were doing just that." John shot back, his voice filled with worry and anger.

There was a silence.

"Look, it's Y/N's footprints......but there is someone else here too...." John said quietly, his voice coming closer.

I heard Isaac chuckle before he pushed me to the snowy ground. I gasped for air, my windpipe trying to recover after what it just endured.

I then quickly tore off the piece of cloth that was covering my eyes and frantically looked around.

"Peggy, over here!" John called. I turned to look in the direction of his voice. I could see him running towards me. I was relieved to see him, but as I glanced up the tree that was between us, I saw Isaac, watching John, waiting to pounce.

"John, stop! Don't come any closer!" I tried to yell, but it only came out as a rasp.

But it was too late.

Before John could stop, Isaac jumped down from the tree, maybe about a foot away from where John was. John skidded to a halt, his gaze glued to Isaac.

I stood, struggling a bit at first. I then started to make my way towards the two.

"Who are you?" John asked coldly. Peggy stood right beside him, her eyes dark.

Isaac chuckled, "Y/N hasn't mentioned me to you? You would think you would hear about her first courter."

"Why should I tell them about you? After all you did to me?" I growled, making my way to John's side. John gave me a concerned side glance, but quickly looked back at Isaac.

"What did I do to you? You gave me your consent." Isaac shot back, his eyes glowing a dark red.

My eyes widened. He was starving, and looking for a fight. I quickly stood in front of John and Peggy, worrying more about their safety than mine.

"You guys need to go." I whispered, turning my head a bit so I could glance at them. Peggy seemed to get the message, because she grabbed John's arm and tried to drag him away.

"No. I'm not leaving you alone, alright? Especially with him. I don't know your guys' history, but it doesn't sound like a good one." John stated, glaring at Isaac.

I didn't have time to respond, because as soon as he said it, Isaac attacked him.

Isaac wrestled John to the ground, but John tried to fight back. John punched Isaac in the face. Isaac hissed in pain before he bared his fangs at John.

I could see John stare at Isaac in fear.

I quickly ran at Isaac, my shoulder dropping a bits I could knock him off more effectively. As Isaac lunged at John's exposed neck, I ran into him head on, causing Isaac to fall on the ground not far from John.

I looked down at John, his eyes still wide in fear as I reached down to help him up.

"John, listen to me. You need to go. Now. Run as far away from this man as you can." I instructed.

He gave me a scared look, "Y/N, if I leave you here, he'll hurt you. He would probably turn you into one of those......things." He whispered, placing his hands on my shoulders.

I felt my cold heart break into a million pieces as he said that. Is that what he thinks, that a vampire is just a thing? 'No, he just doesn't know what to think right now.' I thought, trying to reassure myself.

"It's too late for that," I gave him a sad smile before glancing back at Isaac. He was struggling to get up, which I thought was a good sign. I looked back at John, whose expression was blank. I looked over at Peggy, whose expression was sympathetic.

I had just told John what I am.

"You need to go, now!" I said firmly, pushing John and Peggy away from Isaac. I wasn't going to let them pay for my mistakes. They soon began to run, and I turned my attention back to Isaac.

"You're here for me, not them." I hissed, my eyes glowing a deep red.

Isaac lunged at me, but I quickly side stepped and he landed onto the ground. He growled, turning around to face me. He lunged at me again, this time successfully knocking me down.

I tried to push him off, but he pinned me to the ground. I struggled, trying to get my arms free from his grasp.

"I should've killed you before you left. We could have had a family together, Y/N. I saw it." Isaac whispered into my ear. He then moved his head down my neck and bit into it.

I let out a scream as he did so. It hurt a lot more when you didn't have any blood running through you. I kept trying to push him off, but he wouldn't budge.

I soon stopped fighting, growing weak as Isaac kept on biting me. I could feel my eyes beginning to close in exhaustion and pain.

I heard a shuffling noise, something smacking against something else, and then I saw, through my blurred vision, Isaac falling on top of me.

The savior pushed Isaac off of me and picked me up bridal style. They muttered something, but I couldn't make it out. They began to run with me in my arms, away from the abusive man I once called my lover.

Then everything went black.

1083 words

Ope, this chapter is a bit angsty, and now Y/N is now unconscious once again, how fun.

Also, John now knows about her secret, and probably has mixed feelings about it. But we'll talk more about it in the next chapter 😉 (*wink wonk*)

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