Chapter Nine

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A/N: Idk what to put here, so....

Hi! How are you guys doing? How has your day been?

January 1777, Albany, New York.


I had no idea where I was.

It felt like I was awake.....

But I wasn't.

I laid in the bed, which I assumed was mine. I could hear everything around me.

But I couldn't seem to wake up.

Over the course of the days I was unconscious, I heard multiple people walk in and out of my room. They would speak too, sometimes at me, other times to the people in the room.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" Alex's voice said softly to no one in particular.

"I don't know. The doctor checked on her yesterday. He didn't say much, just to wait. He had this really worried expression on his face though. I hope it doesn't have to do with Y/N being unconscious." Angelica told him, concern edging her voice.

I couldn't help but be concerned as well.

Has he found out my secret?

"I hope it isn't anything serious. I feel like it's my fault she is in this state." Alex said with a sigh.

"What exactly did you two talk about to make her upset?" Angie asked him, a hint of anger in her voice.

Alex shifted again in his chair before replying, "She asked me where I came from. And I told her. She then stared blankly at a fixed point behind me for a little bit before beginning to cry. I tried to comfort her, but she pushed me away and ran off. I don't know if I somehow offended her by telling her where I came from." Alex told her.


Herc, John, and Laf stopped by earlier, checking up on me.

I still wasn't awake, but it was nice to hear their voices.

Their voices were hushed, but I could catch little snippets of their conversation. Usually I would be able to hear all of it, but since I was unconscious, my heightened senses were not so heightened.

~Third Person POV~

"She's been out for a while. She should be awake by now." Herc said, worry lacing his voice.

"I agree, mon ami." Laf said before speaking to John, "What are you doing, John?" He asked, curiosity edging his tone.

John shifted a bit in his chair. "I'm drawing something." John said simply, too focused on his drawing to really pay attention to his friends.

"Like what?" Hercules asked, quite intrigued now.

John flushed, closing his sketchbook and looking at his friends, "It's nothing, I swear."

Herc and Laf gave each other a look before turning back to John, "Well, suit yourself. We're going to head out. Want to come with us?" Hercules asked, standing up, Laf following suit.

"No, it's fine. I'll stay here, in case Y/N wakes up." John said before opening up his sketchbook again and beginning to draw once more.

Lafayette and Hercules smirked before heading out of the room, leaving John with Y/N.

John continued to draw for a while before turning to look at Y/N. She looked so peaceful.

If only he knew what had happened with her when she was with Alex.

John had been frustrated with Alex when Y/N rushed out of the room. He had thought Alex had done something, so he immediately walked up to him after putting Y/N in her bed.

Alex had told him the same thing he had told everyone else. One minute Y/N was fine, and the next thing he knew, she was running out of the ballroom, tears streaming down her face.

He let out a soft sigh before continuing his drawing. At first, he had no idea what to draw, but soon decided to draw a cardinal. His drawing utensil flew across the page as he made the outline of the bright bird.

It didn't take long for him to finish the sketch, but he decided he would stop for a bit. He set  down his sketchbook and drawing utensil on the nightstand close to the bed and looked at Y/N.

Her face had a peaceful expression on it, and her skin was very pale, and reminded him of a stark white bed sheet. She still had his jacket wrapped around her, and she seemed to be melted to the coat.

John slowly took her hand into his and squeezed it gently. "Take your time. Whatever happened, you need time to process everything." He whispered.

He was surprised when he felt Y/N squeeze his hand in return.

She would be alright.

773 words

Okay, so this chapter might be total garbage, but I didn't know what else to put here 😂. Also, I dislike writing in Third Person POV, but I'm glad I did, because I feel like it spiced up the story (in a way)

Also, I didn't injure my knee! It hurt a lot at first, but I can walk just fine, which is a good sign! It hurt a lot to kneel though.

But yeah, I don't think I have any Th I go else to say. Have a great day/night everyone!

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