Chapter 5~ Monday

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Me and Calum drove to school. When we got to school we stood again the wall. I was leaning against the wall and Calum stood in front of me with one hand on the wall. "Should we meet here for lunch" Calum asks looking down at me. "Sure"I say putting my hand around his neck. Calum puts his hand on my waist and pulls me closer. He kisses me and I kiss him back until we hear someones phone take a picture. I look over and see Ashley and Jadzia talking pictures. "Ashley, Jadzia stop" I say still holding on to Calums neck. "You guys were voted cutest couple of the year so we have to take a picture of you guys" Jadzia says. "But kiss" I say. "Yep" Ashley say. Calum giggles a little. I look at him and kiss him again before the bell rings. "See you at lunch baby" Calum says walking into school. I walk into English class and I hate it. We have a project to do and Mrs.Hill is assigned partners. I dont want to get stuck with Michael or Luke because that are both in my English class. Me and my other friends Moet looks at each other and cross our fingers. Everyone got there partners. Me, Moet, Michael and Luke were left. "Moet you are parents with Michael" Mrs.Hill said. That means im stuck with Luke. "Fuck" I say under my breath. Luke was sitting next to me. I see him look out of the corner of his eye. I give him a dirty look and he look forward. The bell finally rang. I grab my bag and walk out of class and see Calum standing there. "What's wrong baby" Calum says grabbing my waist and pulls me into him. "I got partnered with fuckin luke" I say pulling my hands around him. "Ill talk to him and see if he will come to our house and work on it" Calum says grabbing my hand. "Ok" I say. We walk out to lunch and go the the wall again. "So what do you want for dinner tonight" I say looking at Calum as I set my bag down and lean back again the wall. "Pizza" Calum says before tickling me. "Ok and stop" I say laughing. Calum keeps tickling me and then picks me up and puts me again the wall again. I wrap my legs around his waist and my hands on his neck. "Don't drop me" I say before kissing him. Calum kisses me back until he bites my bottom lip which makes me moan a little. "Calum" we hear someone standing next to us. "Oh hey Guys" Calum says still holding me. "WTF are you doing" Luke asks. "Kissing my girlfriend " Calum says. "Ya I have to work with that think" Luke says pointing at me. I roll my eyes at him. "Ya your working at our house" Calum says. "Whatever" Luke says walking away. "Dick" I say so just Calum can hear. Calum laughs and kisses me again. Today at school was an early dismissal so after lunch we can go home. After me and Calum kisses me sat under a tree. Then the bell rang. We jump up and I grab my bag. Calum puts his arm around my neck and we walked out of school to his car. When we get home and walk in the house. Calum grabs my bag and sets it down. He picks me up and carries me up stairs. "I can walk baby" I say. "Ik but its hotter when I carry you" Calum says taking off my shirt. "You nasty" I say taking off his shirt. "You are too" Calum says before kissing me. My phone goes off after a few minutes of me and Calum kissing. "Ever fuck time" Calum says getting off of me. I laugh as I grab my phone. It was a Twitter alerts.
Twitter~ @Lukehemmings

This bitch is a slut. She is kissing her boyfriend @Calumhood like that at school. @CatherineIrwin is a slut.

"Omg" I say running to the bathroom leaving my phone on the bed. "WTF" I hear Calum says from the other room. Next thing I hear is Calum knocking on the door. I open it and run into Calum. "Baby idk why he would say that" Calum says kissing my head. Then the doorbell rings. We walk downstairs and open the door. Ashton, Luke and Michael were standing there. "Sister" Ashton says. I hide behind Calum. "Hey Ashton" I say standing behind Calum. "What did I say, she is a slut" Luke says pointing. The walk in and sit in the living room. "Why are you guys here" Calum asks. "Dude we have band practice today" Michael say. "Oh shit I forgot" Calum says holding my hand. "Ill go upstairs and let you guys do your band practice" I say kissing Calum. "Ok baby. Maybe finish your song" Calum says before I walk up stairs. I hear Luke talking to Calum. "Were you about to have sex with her" Luke says. "Ya so" Calum says as they walk out to the garage. I put on my shirt and walk downstairs. I set my lyric book on the couch and go into the kitchen and make some tea. I set he tea down and look at my lyrics. I didn't hear them in the garage playing. I start to sing my song.

Where have you been all my life.

You keep me strong in bad and good times.

Kiss me like you are in love with me.

I have loved you since we were 16

And never want you to leave me.

Then I fell some one touch my shoulders. I look back and see Calum. "You scared me" I say grabbing my tea. "Sorry baby, want to come listen to our practice" Calum asks me. "Sure" I say as Calum grabs my hand.

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