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Jewel touched my arm to get me out of my thoughts. I jumped and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Couldn't she see that I was deep in thought? How rude! Oh, gosh, I really needed to fix my manners a bit. If my mum could hear my thoughts she's smack me. Not that she ever had before, but if she knew my thoughts she'd start. I just know it.

"That's Jayden Wilde. There's no point in looking at him like that. You see that brunette clinging to his arm? Yeah, well, that girl is his latest girlfriend. So right now, don't even bother." Jewel said looking at them, while speaking to me.

I laughed. What was she thinking? "Oh?" I said, trying to sound interested.

"Yeah, but he's pretty famous for his dumping skills." She shrugged and finally looked at me, her pretty eyes kind and unsuspecting of my plans.

That really took my attention. We had started to walk again and I stopped when I heard this. "What?"

Jewel laughed lightly as she pushed me to walk on. "Oh y'know! It's just typical of the most popular guy in school," she said with a wave of her hand, oblivious to the expression on my face.

"He's the most popular boy in school?" for some reason my voice sounded a little weak to my own ears.

Jewel looked at me for a second before she spoke. "Well...yeah!" the tone that she used was one of 'duh!' I thought that was a little rude of a girl as nice as her. I mean, I wouldn't have asked if I had known, right?

I looked at her, in a not very nice way and finally looked away. Why the hell did he have to be popular?! Then a new idea hit me! Oh yeah! Him being popular and higher on the hierarchy meant that his fall would be greater. Oh, yes! Was I a genius or what? Enter applause…thank you, thank you.

"You look happy for some reason," Jewel pointed out as she picked up a drink.

I took a coke and followed her to pay for it. "Yeah, well it is my first day in school and I'm happy to be back in Sheering."

Jewel nodded. "I see." Did I hear a bit of doubt in her feminine voice?

We paid for our drinks and I would've preferred to go out and drink it outside and not waste the sun as it was barely sunny in the North, but Jewel wanted to sit inside. As I was the new girl, I followed and sat opposite her, slowly sipping my drink.

Jewel started to talk again about how much she liked to play tennis and about some of the girls who she disliked. She was apparently a runner. "I run in the mornings on weekends," she had said at one point. However, my eyes slowly darted away from her and landed on Jayden's form. As I looked at him laugh at something, I wanted to punch myself for not thinking how popular he would be with his looks. Although I hadn't seen him in the last four years, I still remembered every one of his fucking features. Call me pathetic, but I had loved him. Although now, if you ask me, I would say that falling in love at fourteen is nearly impossible, but I was one of the rare who did fall. And did I fall hard! As I noticed that I was getting slightly angry I turned my attention back to Jewel. She had stopped talking and was watching me closely.

"What?" I asked, trying to sound innocent.

"You're looking at Jayden," she stated.

"So?" I raised one eyebrow as I watched her eyes narrow.

"You really shouldn't."

I laughed. "Why not?"

"He'll break your heart, Chyna. He's got a reputation for it." She ran a hand through her beautiful hair, which made me remember my long brown waves a few years ago. Until I had cut them and dyed it. I didn't regret it though. Straight black really suited me. I was vain, so what?

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