She's beautiful

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I walked out of the school on my own, because Jewel had to go to the school library, and found Sam where he had promised he would be. He was leaning against his car lazily and talking to a girl that I didn't recognize. She had jaw length red, spiky hair and was just about my height. She wore black jeans that looked as if they were painted on her and a large, loose grey t-shirt. It seemed like they were in a deep conversation, thus, I hesitated approaching them. However, as I was debating if I should just walk away and be the coward that I always was, he looked up and smiled at me. I still stood there not really knowing what to do with my hands. I really was not the kind of girl to feel nervous but the guy really had an effect on me. When he motioned me to walk to him with a smile, I started to take slow steps in his direction. The red headed girl he had been talking to also turned and watched me. From where I was, I couldn't decide if she was squirming or screwing me with her blue eyes. With a smile plastered on my face, I took bigger steps, looking more confident. I was such a great faker.

"Hey Chy. This is my sister." Sam introduced easily.

I gaped at him. Then turned to look at the red head who actually was smiling at me. "Hi, I'm Chyna. I...Sam never mentioned he had a sister."

She laughed joyfully. "I'm Carmen. He's my twin and I doubt he likes me much. Tries to ignore my presence as much as he can. Nice to meet you."

Sam pinched her arm and made her chuckle after she slapped his hand away. "Well, she's wild and nobody really likes her. I was actually doing you a favour by not introducing you guys earlier."

I smiled but doubted he was right. Looking at Carmen, I noticed her hair was too red to be natural and would've contrasted too much with Sam's if they really were twins, which I thought they were. From this close it was obvious they had the same eye colour and red hair did make her look a little dangerous as it blew wildly in the wind.

"He's such a prick," Carmen grinned at me.

I nodded in agreement with a smirk which made Sam choke and sputter.

"Traitor," he murmured as he opened the car's door and got in.

I stood there a little awkwardly not sure if I should get in the car or stand there with Carmen. I think she noticed as she looked at her watch and grinned at me.

"You should get in the car and go wherever he's takin' you. If you stand out here a few more minutes he's just gonna fry my brain tonight when he gets home."

I raised an eyebrow. "He moans?"

"Oh, like a girl!" Carmen laughed.

"I fuckin' heard that!" Sam shouted from the car with an evil grin on his face.

Carmen snorted and suddenly I could see just how similar she and Sam were. "Yeah...whatever! I have a date now anyway. I guess I'll see you more often as my bro seems a little too interested in you."

I was just about to complain when her next words made me forget what I was going to complain about.

"Although I doubt Jayden would be happy with you guys like this."

"What do you mean?" I wheezed out when I finally caught my breath.

She laughed and lowered her voice. "I've known Jayden for a while now. And am probably the only girl he hasn't gotten into the pants of. He told me about you about two years ago."

I wasn't sure what to feel; all I was sure about was that I probably looked like a corpse with the way the blood rushed from my head. "He did?" He had had the guts to tell people what he did to me?!

"Yeah...he was piss drunk though and didn't really speak about it again. Even when I approached him about it. I was a little jealous at the time. I had left a pretty big mark on him. Nobody leaves a mark on Jayden Wilde."

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