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The day went without much action after that, other than me salivating when I saw Jayden shirtless on the football pitch after school, while he was shouting orders to his team. I mean…look at those abs! They should be illegal! All I could see at that moment was me standing in front of him and running my hands over them. I bet they would feel like steel wrapped in silk…or some silly simile like that. At that moment, I couldn't care less about my description. I could just see and feel!

Anyway, enough of my pervert ways. The football team had a match that evening at around 6, and I could feel the tension through the whole school. Only I seemed calm enough to think about sexual imagery. Everyone else was buzzing with energy.

"What's with the game?" I asked Jewel as we sat on the big bench watching them train. Well, me at least. Jewel's eyes didn't leave Devon once. Okay, okay. I accept that maybe I was looking at Jayden a little too much, but come on! Those abs!

"They're playing against the school on the outskirts of Sheering. If they win this, it'll mean they'll be in the nationals." Jewel answered without looking at me.

I nodded. "So, it's a big deal, right?"

"Oh, yeah. The whole school is buzzing with excitement." She shifted in her seat when Devon fell. But he rose quickly and laughed with a couple of his friends, thus, Jewel relaxed again.

I smiled as small ideas started forming in my mind. "So, it's really important to make sure the team is concentrating 100% right?"

Jewel looked at me now. Probably sensed something in my tone. "You getting somewhere with this?"

I laughed. "Maybe."

"Yeah...that's why everyone was a little concerned about Jayden getting dumped. But it seems like he is doing fine. He was probably getting tired of her. Maybe, as you were trying to make him feel bad, you actually saved him from the trouble of breaking Amii's heart."

I laughed. "I don't think so. You really should've seen his face. Oh, man. He was fuming! Even if he was going to dump her, I made it so he got dumped. That must have kicked his ego down a few notches."

Jewel chuckled lightly, then took in a sharp breath. I followed her gaze to see Devon lying on the floor, clutching his knee. This time he wasn't laughing.

"Maybe I should go check on him?" Jewel sounded concerned.

I nodded. "Yeah...but he's standing again."

Jewel looked at me. "The guy's a cow. Even if he broke an ankle, he wouldn't wince 'cause he wants to play so much. Did you see? He fell down just a minute ago and laughed it off. Now he falls again! He falls most out of all those guys, 'cause he runs around most. The idiot doesn't even care about his health!"

I shook my head in agreement (does that make sense?). Jewel sat back down when Devon sent her a smile before chasing the ball again. "Boys!" I said with slight disgust.

Jewel laughed. "Oh, I so know what you mean."

I laughed and watched as Sam jumped and danced when he scored. He had mentioned that I should come and watch them, but I still wasn't sure. But, hey. If my job was to keep the mood high, then I really should fail, right? Especially with Jayden. Oh man. If I could just annoy him enough to distract him, I'd sleep in peace tonight.

"I'm coming to watch, with you," I announced.

Jewel's eyebrows rose. "You? I thought you didn't like football."

I looked back at the pitch where they were still chasing the ball. "Yeah...all they're doing is chasing a ball around a pitch. I don't see how that can be fun. Especially when that hard ball hits you somewhere."

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