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Kaz nodded discreetly. "Proving yourself already, hm? I want you to seek out information. Sounds like Jinx has a calling card, the Stadwatch should have a file on her. I'll need you to nab it, if you can handle that. Find any information you can on either of them. Anything we can use."

He nodded, dismissing Kwet.

His hand gripping on his cane. "Next time, report to me in my office," he said quietly, turning to face the growling dog and it's owner.

Kaz narrowed his sharp eyes onto the other, taking a step closer. "You don't have to assume anything, I am well aware of what I am. And so are you. You wouldn't bother me if you weren't," he rasped coldly.

Shifting his hold on his cane, he turned to start walking down the alley behind Vlam.

"Wylan should be already busy with his meeting by now," Jesper mumbled to himself as he checked the time from the old grandfather clock, standing at the end of the hall on the first floor which read 4 bells. "Might was well go and get some fresh air."

Grabbing his hat and coat, he stepped out of the mansion. Walking down the streets alongside people going on about their daily lives, he'd forgotten how busy it could be in Ketterdam sometimes. He sped past most of the taverns and turned a blind eye to the gambling dens drawing him in closer.

No... no more, he strictly thought in his mind.

His gut twisted and turned as if he were to barf but he proceeded forward. Jesper was so used to walking around the alleyways of the Barrel, his feet would even know the way to the Slat and Crow Club themselves.

But everything halted when he turned a corner, spotting a lifeless body all mutilated and cut, with a few daggers protruding from the chest. It was obvious to Jesper that this wasn't the work of the Dregs, he had become more detached from all the other conflicts going around with the other gangs. So he figured he should just go back slowly from where he came... forgetting about the Crow Club or the Slat.

Although the Dregs' territory was where his first instinct to go to, he needed to head to the mansion-for Wylan, knowing Kaz would've already caught wind of the body by now anyway.

Vlam knew better then to let a threat like this get behind him, so he slowly turned on his heels, keeping his eyes on Kaz. Oiche was definitely going with a different plan, more teeth involved. She leapt towards the end of the tattered lead, snarling loudly, clearly daring the shark-eyed boy to come any closer. Vlam glared down at the dog, tugging her back.

"Damn Oiche, can you not piss off a gang leader?" he whispered to the fluffy, dark-furred wolf-dog.

Quickly, Vlam turned his attention back to Kaz, ready to feel a blow of pain either from the cane or a fist. Sighing deeply, Vlam tried to muster up any courage, and he knew this was a very, very bad idea.

"I mean no disrespect sir, and neither does my dog." He paused to shoot Oiche another warning glare. "Do you have any available jobs?"

Again he shifted his weight, still unsure of how to address a gang leader. Wait, was he about to join a gang? Well, even if he was, at least it'd keep a roof on his head.

"I'd be willing to assist in anyway possible, sir," Vlam added, nodding his head respectfully.

Oiche, on the other hand, was clearly annoyed, sitting between Kaz and Vlam. Glaring at the well-dressed teen, her lips peeled back just slightly.

"I'll get on it, sir," Kwet murmured, taking note to report to him in his office next time.

Kwet's hand carefully went to the axe at her thigh as the growling wolf-like dog's eyes bore into her. Wolves were enemies of her clan, had killed off the game quite a bit.

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