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Kaz walked up the stairs, closing the door to keep the rest of the Dregs from looking in. 

"Not until I have some answers, then I really don't care what you do with that mop of fur." Kaz waved a gloved hand dismissively. 

"Kwet, you're room is briefly going to become an interrogation room. Did you pat him down?" He glared at Vlam for trying to pet the clearly distressed cat.

Wylan steadied himself, breathing in and out. One step at a time, he told himself. He got up. He walked in the direction he saw Vlam go. He would just let Vlam know that he was going back home. It'd be fine. 

He heard Vlam yell out and followed the noise, finding himself in a room with Kaz, Vlam, and a girl he'd never seen before. 

Kaz needs to know about my Father. Kaz knows about Jesper; his thoughts were muddled. Where is Jesper? Had Kaz found him or not? 

"My father is tied up at the mansion" was all he managed.

Vlam matched Kaz's glare, still clutching his bloodied hand. "How was I supposed to know she'd bite!?" He snarled out, turning his glare back to the feline.

"I saw a cute looking fluffy cat! And I wanted to pet it! But noooooo she wanted a snack!" Vlam was ranting at the cat now, glaring daggers at the fuzzy ball. He turned his attention down to the wound, then glared at it too.

"This better not scar, or I swear to all that is holy-" The oldest teen snarled to himself, trailing off his thoughts. 

Now, he was silently sulking, holding his bloody hand, and glaring at a cat.

Kaz turned to look at Wylan, his brows furrowing. "What? That's not... he's in jail. We would have heard if he had made bail somehow. No one on the Merchant Council would touch that issue with a ten-foot pole."

Kwet nodded, producing a few daggers, a fun and couple small, thing knives. 

"This is all I found." His coat lay splayed out in the bed. She desperately wanted to rest her aching bones but knew things were about to get very interesting. 

"Caramel?" She asked, snatching up her sweets and popping one into her mouth. 

"Don't pet it unless you wanna lose an eye." Ironic coming from a girl who had a scar across her eye. She had never gotten her vision back completely. Everything was a bit foggy since the wound had been produced. 

"He had these too." She grasped the images of both Inej and Jesper from one of the many pockets of the coat. 

"They're May be more, there's so many damn pockets on this thing." She gestured to the jacket.

Vlam nodded in agreement with Wylan's statement, seeming to forget about his sulking.
"Oiche is guarding him currently." He added, then turned his attention to Kwet, looking to all she gestured to.

Vlam accepted the offer of a caramel quickly with a nod. He had an awful sweet tooth, after all.
When she commented on losing an eye, Vlam gave a morbid laugh. 

"I'd rather not, I came close enough to that already." He said, gesturing with his less bloody hand to his own scar.

Then he turned his attention to the photos and frowned slightly. Confused, the teen clearly didn't understand why this man would have photos of Inej and Jesper.

As Jason comes to, there's a ringing in his ears before he could hear murmurs around him. He hisses at the light that seems to be blinded before he adjusts to it. Jason looks around and chuckles lightly.

"Well well well, look what the cat dragged in."

Inej was keeping watch. She knew Kaz the inside work is for Kaz, all the negotiations and talking. She became distressed when she saw Wylan walking in. Wylan going inside at this time of the hour is a clear sign of trouble.

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