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When they reached docks, Inej moved towards where the Wraith was last time. The burned ship came into her view. The damage was severe, no doubt. Suddenly she felt weak in the knees as if she couldn't stand any longer. 

She gulped down the feeling and walked closer towards it, "Can it be repaired?" She whispered silently. Not knowing whether Kaz did catch them or not.

Kaz observed the damaged ship, it was worse then he had imagined. "Well... it won't be a cheap venture, but I think so." It'd be cheaper to buy a new boat, most likely, but Kaz felt that was unnecessary to say. 

The smell of smoke still clung to the alley, but Kaz's attention was mostly on Inej. He knew she was sentimental, but it was still shocking to see her so upset about something. It was subtle, but Kaz knew what to look for.

Inej heard Kaz, his words offering up hope that the Wraith will be good as before though she wasn't really sure. That night was horrible, it was like seeing everything she ever loved burning in front of her eyes and maybe it would have if not for... "Caden" The word almost left in an instant, Caden is a Grisha and all this while she failed to noticed that. 

"I need to meet Caden."

Caden was on the ship, for the fifth time that night. Inspecting saints know what. The night when he was supposed to accompany that Dirtyhands but the crew started panicking after learning the ship caught fire and it became difficult to leave them all in that state. 

He was wandering like a lost child when a tiny figure caught his attention, he rubbed his eyes as if he was dreaming. But it was Inej, it was definitely her. Standing on the docks. She was safe and was looking better. 

He didn't waste anymore second and ran towards her. He jumped off from the plank, his heart was beating rapidly, she is safe, she is safe was all his mind was repeating. He didn't think twice before hugging her as he reached on front of her.

Kaz's eyes blazed and his jaw clenched as he watched Caden rush forward and hug Inej. Well, there is your answer. He didn't feel angry, just a sharp pain that tore through his chest, and then suddenly nothing but cold, it all went numb. 

He turned his head away from the scene, staring off into the ocean. Inej would have been out there already, she would have been if this catastrophe didn't take place. Did he really have the right to try and take this extra time, time that should have never existed to spend with her? 

He briefly thought of the note, hidden in his office. It was enough to shake him out of his state. What was he doing here, why had he bothered coming? What had he expected? Kaz shifted his weight, glancing to Inej and Caden, considering just leaving, after all, he had seen the ships damage, accompanied Inej here.

Inej stiffed as Caded hugged her. It was like an unexpected blow, one she didn't know to deal with. Should she hug him back or push him away? She put a hand on her back and said, "It's alright." Before pulling herself away.

She looked at Kaz, there was a different discomfort in his body language. He was staring somewhere else, his hands were gripping the cane tightly. Breaking the silence she said, "Let's go and meet others."

Kaz did not follow, he didn't plan to. In fact, he watched them start down their path before turning and heading back toward the Slat. He would need to dig into Donahue's past anyway.

Inej walked few steps ahead but stopped abruptly when she didn't hear Kaz's footsteps or the familiar clicking of his cane. She turned around and saw Kaz walking in another direction, instantly she jogged towards him and held his hand from behind, "Where are you going?"

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