Chapter 3 ~ City Boys

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Y/n's Point of View:

"So are you guys like excited to play against Nekoma?" I ask the boys as we walk up to the gym where the other team is waiting.

"Who wouldn't be excited to take part in an age old rivalry! Years ago at nationals..." Takeda replies, starting quite a long monologue about the history between Karasuno and Nekoma.

As Nekoma's team comes into view we all slow down and stop right in front of them. Before I can even realize what I'm doing, I run to the first person I recognize.

"Tetsu !" I yell, throwing my arms around him. He stumbles back for a second in shock before realizing who I am and hugging me back even tighter.

"(N/n)!? Oh my god, how long has it been? How's your mo-"

"Um, c-cant br-breathe" I manage to gasp out.

He quickly lets go and sets me down. "Woah woah woah, you know this guy?" I hear someone ask.

I turn to see Tanaka, arms crossed staring Kuroo down with one of his infamous glares as the rest of the team just stares in bewilderment.

"Yeah, he's a childhood friend.I've known him since I was like 5. We just kind of drifted a little since my family moved to Miyagi in middle school." I answered before stopping in realization. "Wait a minute, where's-" I paused whipping my head around to find a familiar pudding head.

"Kenma!" I yelled tackling him into a hug. He of course just stood there, arms at his sides with an awkward half smile because... affection is weird.

"Oh, let me guess, another childhood friend?" Tanaka sighs.

I stared at him for a second in confusion before answering, "Um no, Kenma's my cousin."

"Oh, I-I knew that," Tanaka quickly replied before turning his head the other way in embarrassment.

"Let's just head inside," Daichi thankfully interrupts whatever was just happening.

"Kenma! You're really on the Nekoma team?" Hinata asks.

"Uh, yeah" He softly replies.

"Wait, Hinata how do you know Kenma?" I question.

Before he's able to answer, a guy with a mohawk walks up with an intimidating aura. "Hey, hey hey. You know that's our setter, what's your business with him?"

"eUGhH, I-I'm sorry!" Hinata tries to respond, backing up right into Tanaka, who also stand there trying to intimidate the mohawk guy.

"And what about you? Shortie's with us. So, what business do you have with him?"

I just stand there silently watching the two bicker and trying to remember if I ate breakfast this morning.

Suga walks over breaking me out of my trance, "Yeah, you guys are about rumble, the games about to start. And stop saying 'city boy', it's embarrassing."

At the same time a guy from Nekoma comes over, "Yamamoto, stop picking fights all the time. You're making a damn fool of yourself." He and Suga then start to talk as the other two stand in embarrassed silence.

Well would you look at that, even Nekoma has a team mom. Heheh, it's almost like their team is the exact opposite of ours or something. Anyways, what was I doing? I cant remember, oh well. Oh, there's Kiyoko.

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