Chapter 13 ~ Meat Buns

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(There is some slight spiciness in this chapter. It's nothing too bad, but I've gotten some *ahem* requests for it. I'm never gonna write an actual segs scene bc I would get uncomfy. Anyways, if you don't like to read stuff like that, I'm going to put markers for where it starts and ends with ###)

Y/n's Point of View:

"Aw, come on! I want to learn!" I yelled, tugging on Tanaka's sleeve to get him to a standing position. He groaned in response and flopped back onto the bed.

"N/n, you already know how to play're the manager." He turned to me making a grabbing motion with his hands, "I wanna cuddle."

I stifled a laugh and rolled my eyes, "We just were, you big baby. ALSO, of course I know how to play!" My voice trailed off as I mumbled, "I just never have."

He immediately sat up, a devilish smirk gracing his lips, "Well well well. The amazing N/n doesn't know the epic highs and lows of high school volleyball, huh?" (a/n: HAHAHA I'M SORRY) I shot him a playful glare.

"Will you just shut up and play with me?" I questioned. His smirk only grew wider and he raised a hand to his chest in mock surprise, "Oh my god, Y/n! That's so vulgar!"

He cackled at his own joke and I walked over raising my hand towards his face, he stopped laughing and flinched back a bit, "Are you gonna hit me?"

I brought my hand down to caress the side of his face as mine scrunched up in confusion, "What? Ryuu, I would never hit your beautiful face like that."

He let out a sigh of relief before I gave him a gentle pat, bringing my other hand up to smack him upside the head.

He yelped in surprise and cried out, "Ow! What the hell?"

I laughed, "I said I wouldn't hit your face... your big ass, bald head? Hmmm, sometimes."


He gave me a pout, so I leaned him to give him a peck on the cheek. At the last second, he turned his head, connecting our lips. He quickly hooked his fingers through the belt loops of my shorts and dragged me onto the bed with him.

My breath hitched slightly as he moved to hover over me. One of his knees was bent in between my legs to keep his balance as his fingers drew small circles on my hips.

I felt blood rush to my cheeks at the position. He pulled away slightly for air and mumbled against my lips,

"Holy shit, you're so hot."

Before I could acknowledge the now, burning, sensation on my cheeks he had already recaptured my lips with his. I melted into his kiss and embrace, letting out a small gasp of surprise when I felt his tongue swipe across my bottom lip.

He took that as an opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth, exploring every inch. (a/n: oUr tOnGuEs bAtTLeD fOr dOmInAnCe)

He pulled back to trail kisses down my jawline. When he reached my neck I lightly pushed him up, "Ryuu, I was serious. I want you to teach me how to play volleyball."

He gave me a look before getting off the bed and walking to my bedroom door. I tilted my head in confusion. Was he really giving up that easy?

He opened the door and quickly peeked his head out, looking in both directions before quietly closing the door. "N/n, if you want to learn how to play volleyball, then I'll teach you..." He walked back towards me with a smirk, "Later."


I finished putting my hair back (a/n: if you have short hair pls ignore this) and walked out of the park bathroom.

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