Lena Luthor

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Lena's POV

I trusted her,

I let her in,

I brought my walls down for her,

I opened up to her,

I showed her every part of me,




Showing weakness,


A Kryptonian,

That is complete madness.

I didn't see who she truly was,

How could I be so blind??

She was right in front of me,

And I didn't see it.

How could I have been so blind to the truth?

I let my guard down,

I promised,

I swore,

I pledged,

I vowed,

I committed,

Never to let my guard down.

But I did,

I broke the pledge,

I let her see me,

I let her into my bubble,

And now I suffer the bloody terror,

Now I feel the pain,




It sickens me.

I thought she was different,

I thought she was not like the rest of the world, 

I thought this time it would be different,

I thought things would be divergent.


I was a fool to think that someone could ever trust someone  like me,

A Luthor of all the people,

I should know by now,

That no one, 

Not even the insects could ever have confidence and certitude towards a Luthor.

She assured me that I wasn't like them,

That I was no Lex,

That I was far from being Lilian Luthor

But she was lying to my face.

She wanted to get close to me,

To spy on me,

To make sure that I didn't turn into Lex and mother.

All along she was playing me,

And I didn't see it.

Just because of her charm and earnestness,

She was able to fool me,

She disguised herself.

Her real self,

So that I wouldn't be able to see the real her,

So that she seemed different,

But I guess that was just another one of those masks

They wear to fool me.

It worked this time

Just this time.

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