Challenge Accepted

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"Got anything yet?" the Kryptonian asked flying in from the burning city trying to save those who were caught in the crossfire only managing to help a few 'you can't always save everyone Kara' Alex had told her once

"Not yet. I can't access DEO data from here, it's been locked with high-security measures and I can't bypass it without the five codes and I don't know who has them" Lena stated everything she had discovered with disappointment written all over her face

She looked enfeebled, shuttered, tired perhaps and most of all she looked drained. You could see through her eyes that she was defeated, unable to move on, to find anything that could help save the city, the city she had grown to love, to feel safe and proud to call it home. But she soon gained some comfort when the Kryptonian gave her something to hold on to, "I do"

"What?" Lena could not believe her hearing, didn't want to get her hopes up and soon be disappointed

"I have the codes" Supergirl repeated confirming what Lena had heard, "When J'onn was once kidnapped by an organisation who wanted DEO equipment, they bypassed all DEO security measures because they got into J'onn's mind and were able to get what they wanted and they used it to blow up three DEO bases and killed fourteen government agents. After that day, he installed the five security measures and I came up with the codes that no one else could know or figure out" the Kryptonian continued to explain

"Why you?" Lena asked wanting to know why J'onn trusted Kara with such responsibility when Lena herself felt so betrayed and hurt by her

"Because, no one can get into my mind, not the most advanced technology invented by humans, not even J'onn can read my mind. That's why I only know the codes." She explained. "Oh!" was the only response from the Luthor

She then started coding (hacking the DEO).

"This is the part where I need the codes for the final crack" Lena stated looking at Supergirl who was pacing back and forth in the middle of the room

"Uh, the first code is, R19A48O" Supergirl granted the Luthor the first code, "any meaning to the code?" Lena asked

"I put two things, Rao and the year Krypton exploded" she replied with so much sadness that made Lena's heartache for the Kryptonian. She couldn't comprehend the fact that she was so angry at her yet she wanted to pull her in a tight hug and tell her 'everything's going to be okay'

She didn't have to say anything, her face told everything that needed to be said. "The second code?" she proceeded

"That would be, Y_Nn-EK" the Kryptonian permitted the second code with much hesitation, you could see that she didn't want to relive the memory in her mind, "what's that?" Lena still asked with every fibre inside her warning her not to

"It's a name written backwards" she answered shortly without any intention of giving out everything, "who's name if you don't mind" Lena continued to poke further trying to understand how the Kryptonians mind works

"His name was Kenny, my first crush on Earth. He was my first real friend who understood my weirdness and still accepted me for me" Kara talked about him with so much pain and warmth at the same time

"Was?" Lena asked

"Yeah, he was shot by an officer because he took some photos of him that were incriminating" Lena could see Kara clench her fist and how Kara's jaw was about to break, "Kara, I'm so sorry" and for the first time, Lena said out loud what she was feeling

"do you need a minute?" she continued trying to give Kara some time to get herself together, "no I'm okay"

"The third code is, G237EN20EV15A. That's the day Alex went to Geneva for a conference and her flight 237 had an engine failure, it was 2015" supergirl explained knowing Lena was going to ask anyway. "The fourth code is, J20D03ED, Jeremiah and Eliza's initials and the year that they took me in after I crashed on Earth and Clark brought me to them

"Clark Kent?" Lena asked confirming if Kara was talking about the same intimidating Clark Kent. "Yeah him" Kara responded knowing that Lena would understand what she meant by that

"Now we only need the last code and we'll be able to see everything that this organisation want through DEO database" Lena informed with a hopeful smile all over her face

"That would be, KKA19LE-IE93RAN.L" Kara permitted Lena the last code, "care to tell what that means to you?" the Luthor asked

"I think you can figure that out by now" Kara replied looking at Lena with a smirk on her face. The Luthor was taken back by the statement but also couldn't resist the challenge. She was absolutely up for it

'Challenge accepted' she thought

But for now, they had to save the world first. Together

Who would've believed it? A Luthor and a Super working together.

The world must be mad

The world is absolutely mad.

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