The Party

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"Can you at least try to look like you're having a good time?" Alex asked Kara, who looked completely worn-out

"I can't pretend to have fun, Alex! I feel like I have no power or control over what happens in my life, I feel lost, trapped, off-track. I can't even think straight for Rao's sake" Kara spit out without holding back her thoughts nor feelings

"My advise? get your life back, claim it, because it's yours. Start by talking to Lena about what you're feeling" Alex advised her sister lovingly, she could honestly tell that Kara was lost since the fight with Lena and she wanted to do something about it. So she did, well more like they did, Sam and her.

"I think you're right," Kara said, 

"Now that's the spirit" Alex cheered because she was getting somewhere with Kara

"I'll talk to Lena tomorrow" Kara added

"Uh...How about now??!!" Alex asked as she gave her that look that said, 'she's right behind you and I'm so sorry I didn't tell you Sam and I planned to get the two of you together, don't blame me for trying to help you guys work things out because I love you so much and please please don't hate me"

"What?!!!!" was the only thing that came out of Kara's mouth

She turned and looked right behind her, not knowing what to say nor do. She remained stationary.

"Uh...Sam? what did you do?" Lena was the first to ask

"I'm so sorry Lena but I had to do something, anything that could get you out that office. You haven't been yourself lately and I was worried about you, so I talked to Alex and she said Kara hadn't been her usual self, so we really had to do something. So, we planned to get you here so that you could talk and work things out" Sam explained to her and Alex's side

"So you lied?" Kara and Lena both asked in unison

"No! we just kept some details hidden from you two" Sam answered trying to smoothen the tension that was growing

"Look, instead of you two being mad at us, why don't you get your heads from your tails and talk things out? I for one I'm tired of trying to get Kara to talk to me about what is happening, and Lena, Sam is worried sick about you; you have been drowning yourself into your work. Why can't you see that you are hurting each other?  I know that Kara lied to you about who she is but you also used her for months, to make it worse you have completely isolated yourselves and you are avoiding and pushing each other away. But have you stopped to think, what that is doing to either of you?" Alex lectured the two of them without holding back what had been scratching at the back of her head

"I can't take this anymore" Kara stated as she started to walk away, but before she could get any further, Alex held her hand to stop her. It occurred to her that Kara could easily walk away if she wanted to, but she had high hopes that her sister wouldn't

"Kara DON'T." Alex pressed

"Alex let me go," Kara asked with eyes glaring at her sister impatiently 

"Kara doesn't walk away from this, don't walk away from her. I know she asked you to leave but please try to talk to her again, she might listen. Don't give up on her yet" Alex whispered to her sister knowing she could hear her

Sam on the other hand was trying to convince Lena to give Kara a chance to explain herself and for them to try talking in order to work things out between them.

"Lena it won't hurt to listen to her side. For both your sakes, talk to her, tell her what you're thinking, what you're feeling before it eats you alive. You know this is messing you up, so why don't you just talk to her and maybe things will work out" Sam encouraged her

Lena seemed to be debating whether to listen to Sam or not. On the other hand, Kara had decided to listen to her sister. She was not giving up Lena just yet.

Both Danvers sisters walked back to where Sam and Lena were standing in complete silence, you would think there was much to say but.....

"Why don't you two talk? Sam and I will be getting some drinks" Alex asked sounding more like a command than a request

In no time Sam and Alex were gone, and the two women were left standing there in a crowd of people with no words to say. No one dared to go first, neither wanted to take the first step, both seemed to be glued to the ground. 

Who would have thought the once close Luthor and a Kryptonian would be spotted in the middle of a bar with no words uttered but simply shot daggers?

'Time waits for no man' we all know that.

But the two women still standing in the middle of the room had no idea that they'd been standing for over half an hour without moving.

Was it a contest that their lives depended on? or what?

Kara seemed to be irritated by this, so she went first.

"Are we going to be standing here all night?"

"You tell me?" the Luthor shot back

"I know you don't want to be here as much as I don't, so why don't we just get this over with" Lena added

"You know,..I actually thought that you'd want to talk? but I guess not" Kara confessed her thoughts to the Luthor standing inches away from her

"And here I thought that you would talk and I'd listen. But guess not" the Luthor countered back

"What do you want me to say Lena? that I messed up? because I did, that I regret what I did to you? that I screwed up our friendship? that I broke your trust? because I'm sure I tore that into pieces long ago, that I miss my best friend? that I wish things were different? I wish I could go back in time and change what happened between? that it was all my fault? Well, guess what? it was my fault from the beginning" Kara responded expecting to grab the Luthor's attention but she was wrong to think so

Lena looked at her feet the entire time Kara was talking when the Kryptonian was done confessing her thoughts to the Luthor, she realised Lena hadn't uttered a word back, so she went ahead and asked, "Will you say something?"

"Like what?" Lena responded

"Anything" Kara spit out

"Scream or yell at me, hit me, anything Lena. Just don't stand there without even looking at me" Kara continued

"Trust me, you don't want to hear what I have to say" and for the first time looked Kara in the eyes

"Try me" the Kryptonian dared her

"You lied to me for 2 years, you befriended me for God's sake. You know, when my mother said that you would....." she was cut off by the breaking news displayed in every corner of the room

"Turn that up?" Alex asked the bartender

Everyone went silent as they all turned their eyes on the screens

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