We're Dying to Know

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Before ordering take out for the whole team Alex had asked Kara to do some tests just to make sure everything was okay. Although Kara had argued to be fine, she only agreed to do the test to ease the tension she noticed coming from the rapid heartbeats in the room.

When the food arrived, Alex went to get it while everyone was setting up, except for Lena who was downstairs.

Upstairs, Kara was looking for her. 

"Hey Nia, have you seen Lena?" Kara asked

"I think she went downstairs where her lab is" the Naltorian replied

"Thanks" she replied as she walked away in search of the Luthor

Finding Lena was easy enough because there were only two rooms downstairs, the big space and a room now turned into Lena's lab apparently. 

"Hey, I've been looking all over for you," the Kryptonian said as she walked into the room to find Lena staring at nothing in particular.

The Luthor didn't respond, seeming to be deep in thought. Kara walked up to her, she stretched her hand to Lena's shoulder to bring her back.

When the Luthor realised she was not alone, she turned around to meet blue concerned eyes looking at her.

"Sorry" she apologised, "didn't hear you come in" added the Luthor

"Are you okay?" Kara asked then added, "what are you doing downstairs? food just got here"

"Yeah I'm fine, came down here to clear my head" Lena flatly said, "We should go upstairs" she added as she tried to walk out the door. 

Kara didn't believe her though, so she grabbed her arm before Lena could walk away, "I know you, what's wrong?" she asked as she pulled Lena back

Lena didn't say anything. She just stood there looking anywhere but at the Kryptonian. So Kara pushed because she knew Lena all too well.

"Can you look at me? please" Kara pleaded as she turned Lena's head using her apex finger on Lena's jaw.

"I'm just tired Kara," Lena said after some time

"Do you want me to take you home?" Kara asked

"No," the Luthor said, "that's not what I meant"

"What did you mean?" Kara asked again

"I'm tired of being afraid of losing people I care about. I'm tired of losing people I love. I'm tired of being alone. I am so tired of pushing people who care about me away. I'm tired of being hurt. And I'm soo tired of being tired" Lena finally shared

"Hey, you're not alone. You have me" Kara immediately said as she held Lena's face in her hands.

"But I didn't have you," said the Luthor

Kara didn't understand what Lena meant, her face said it all. So Lena explained her point.

"Kara you were gone. You were here one minute and gone the next, just like that. I thought you died and that you were gone forever. We didn't know if we were ever getting you back" Lena elaborated

"I'm sorry" Kara only said

"I know you genuinely mean that but it doesn't change the fact that my life stopped the moment you were gone. When you were gone, everything just stopped, everything went colourless. Everything went still and so dark Kara like someone flipped a switch on humanity. Without you, I felt so cold. Like my body was here but my mind was not and I know it's not fair to put this on you but you can't just be gone like that again. We're all nothing without you. I'm nothing without you. I still need you and I don't want to live in a world where you're not here"

"I'm never leaving again," Kara said as she wiped away the tears streaming down the Luthors face, "I'm never leaving again, I promise" 

"You can't promise that," Lena said

"Why not?" asked the Kryptonian

"Because you're supergirl and this city always needs supergirl, this goddamn world will always need supergirl even though they don't deserve you" Lena declared

"Well I'm promising you that I will never leave, I always keep my promises don't I?" Kara asked

"Yeah you do" Lena replied then continued, "but what if you don't have a choice? what if the world is ending?" 

"Lena the world is always ending. But if it comes to it, I'll keep my promise. I swear to you I'll keep my promise no matter what" Kara promised

"Okay I believe you," said Lena

"Good because I don't want to live in a world where I don't have my best friend is not in it?" Kara retorted

"Best friends? is that what we are?" Lena asked, her voice low but Kara heard clear as day

"What do you think? or want?" Kara asked back

"Not best friends" Lena only offered

"Okay, not best friends, something else then," Kara said

"Something else" Lena confirmed

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, each of them taking in a new realization that maybe the other person felt the same, Lena talked first to offer a change in subject with a promise of talking about some more.

"Figured out what the code, KKA19LE-IE93RAN.L, means," Lena told her 

"Mmh...tell me," Kara said

"The words are separated but if you look closely and separate them, it has two names; KALE and KIERAN. It also has the year 1993 and an L initial. Which happens to be my favourite food, my middle name, the year I was born and Luthor" she carefully revealed

"You got most of it right, except one" Kara corrected her

"Which part?" Lena asked

"It's Lena" she only said, "not Luthor," said the Kryptonian

"Oh," Lena said voicing her surprised tone

"C'mon, let's go get some food," Kara said as she grabbed Lena's hand and led her to the elevators.

The Luthor was still surprised, so she just followed the Danvers upstairs.



"Hey, we thought you left or something," Winn said as he saw the two ladies walking in.

"No, we didn't leave," Kara said without sharing any details of their conversation. 

"So? are you going to tell us what happened? how are you here? and where have you been?" the martian manhunter asked

"We're all dying to know" Alex added

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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