Into the Abyss

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"We stick to the plan and hope that nothing goes wrong," Supergirl said, much so hoping that nothing would absolutely go to shit

The plan was for Lena to hack The Earth Liberation Front's system and get their location. Then Kara would in and get all the DEO agents that had been taken.

After rescuing them all, Lena would use the same system to disrupt the signal that was mind-controlling Alex and the other DEO agents.

And finally, Kara would then go back and burn the place down.

"Okay, we stick to the plan" Lena agreed

Everything had gone exactly to plan, except for one tiny tinny problem.

Lillian Luthor.

Lillian had joined the Front, she had her own agenda of course, like always. She was using them for her own means, that was predictable. It was typical Lillian.

If she didn't have something else planned, she would have told them Supergirl's identity already.

"Supergirl" Lillian called, "Welcome," she said with that smirk all over her face

"Welcome to what exactly, Lillian?" Supergirl asked slowly walking towards Lillian, "what is this?" she asked again, pointing all around her.

There were dozens of computers behind Lillian and a huge screen to her right. It had some sort of data, and by the looks of it, it had Kryptonian DNA, sort of. Kara would recognise it anywhere.

"Where did you get Kryptonian DNA?" she asked pointing at the screen

"Need not worry about that Supergirl," said Lillian

"What have you done?" Kara asked tightening her fist as she clenched her jaw

"Nothing yet" she slowly walked across the room towards the door, "but I will soon," she said as she grabbed some sort of remote

"Have fun Supergirl" Lillian said and pressed the remote and got out of the room.

Supergirl wondered what the hell Lillian was talking about. But she didn't have to wait for long because when she started walking towards the second door, a shadow walking out appeared.

She moved back a little, so she could assess the situation. Because if she knew Lillian very well, which she did, something was not right.

In a short while, a beast-like creature appeared. And suddenly everything fell into place, all the small pieces that had been separated started to make sense.

Including the Kryptonian DNA that she just saw a few minutes ago.

It was used to make a Kryptonian beast.

There was stillness on both sides

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There was stillness on both sides. If hatred was visible the air would have been scarlet. Then suddenly movement, so much force in every blow. Kara rained blows onto the beast as if she meant to smash it into the very earth and the beats did the same. Each didn't just want the other dead, Supergirl wanted it stopped but it wasn't possible to stop such a thing, while on the other hand, the beast wanted her smashed, obliterated, nothing left to bury.

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