Under Attack

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"Supergirl? " Alex called for the Kryptonian who seemed to be far away from Earth. She was hundreds of miles away from home. What was she looking for? Was she running away? Avoiding something? someone? clearing her head? or just looking for some peace? only she could tell you the answer.

"Supergirl!? can you hear me? You're needed at the DEO. NOW!" Alex called out louder

"Supergirl!" Alex called for the third time, this time even louder as she pressed on her earpiece and the watch that sends Supergirl a signal if and when something went wrong.

As soon as she sent the signal, the Kryptonian turned on her earpiece.

"Alex? what's going on? is everything okay?" Supergirl asked as she flew back to the DEO

"We are under attack at the DEO" Alex answered her, sounding spooked, frit, funky, frantic perhaps horrified.

"I'm on my way" she stated as she increased her speed



"Brainy? what is happening? who is attacking us? where are they attacking from? any prisoners who have escaped? why is the DEO on lockdown? give me something to work with here Mr Dox" director Danvers asked as she commanded at the same time, she looked hysterical, scared, petrified, frightened perhaps shit scared as you might call it. She hated not knowing what was going on in her own house, not knowing what was happening all around her and she definitely hated being under attack in her own home.

"Director Danvers, I believe that they just took control over the DEO" Brainy informed the director

"What?!" Alex who was pacing back and forth stood rooted to the ground as soon as Brainy finished his sentence, she was left mouth agape and wide-eyed not believing what she heard.

"Who's 'THEY' Brainy?" she asked with concern that she wouldn't get the answer she was seeking.

"At the moment I have no information to give you director" he answered with less certainty than he usually is, his face full of horror.

"Keep looking, let me know as soon as you know anything" she ordered and walked away

"Supergirl? you're usually on time, what is happening?" director Danvers asked as she walked towards the Supergirl entrance

"Alex? I can't get it" Supergirl stated sounding terrified

"What do you mean you can't get in?" Alex asked in complete shock

"I mean I'm locked out. I can't get into the DEO" she answered clearly to confirm to the director that what she was hearing was clear and did not mishear her.

"What the hell is happening?" the question was not meant to be heard out loud but she couldn't stop it from coming out of her mouth, everything about her posture and words betrayed Alex's confidence

"Alex, what is going on?" Supergirl asked sounding terrified more than Alex did

"Something big is at play here Supergirl. I don't know what, but my gut says it's not something good" the director stated, her voice full of fear.

"Director Danvers!,  you need to see this." Alex heard Brainy call from the communication centre through her earpiece

The director walked to where Brainy was as fast as her legs could carry her.

"What is it?" she asked with no patience at all

"Whoever they are, they had to have had someone on the inside to help them get into the mainframe system in order for them to take full control of the DEO" Brainy informed the director

"Are you saying we have a mole?" the director asked to confirm if she was interpreting the information given correctly, she sounded disappointed

"Yes! that's exactly what I'm saying director" Brainy confirmed

"Supergirl did you get that?" Alex asked the Kryptonian who was now working to get inside the DEO, but as soon as she was about to punch her way in, the door just opened

"Yeah, I heard. Thanks for opening the door" she replied

"What do you mean? What door? No one opened the door" she asked sounding confused

"Director Danvers we are regaining control of the DEO and someone is trying to broadcast something" Brainy added as he worked to gain full control of the facility

"What are they saying," she asked

"I'm working on it" he replied as he multitasked

The broadcast
"Hello director Danvers, I believe you're wondering what the hell is happening to your facility. But don't worry that was just us showing you how easy it is to get full control of your base from the outside. You know, you should watch your back, you never know when someone under your roof will stab you in the back. Oh and director, turn that frown down will you? You might want a clear head before the game begins"

"What the hell was that?" Alex asked

"I believe 'they' just introduced themselves" Brainy shaded some light to everyone who was listening.

"Who the hell are they?" Supergirl asked the very obvious question running through everyone's head.

"We'll find out soon enough" J'onn pointed out

"And what game? what did they mean by that?" Alex asked

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