Danvers Sisters

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"So what's going on with you?" Alex asked 

"Nothing much, just usual reporting and obviously the DEO which you know what happened yesterday" Kara answered clearly avoiding the real question

"Yes, but you know that's not what I asked" she poked further, trying to get Kara to let her in

"I know" Kara admitted quietly 

"So? want to tell me what's going on? you've been distant lately" Alex pointed out, showing how well she knows her sister

Kara seemed hesitant at first but she knew that Alex would get through to her no matter how hard she tried to keep her out. She then decided to let her in, to let her know what was going on in her life, just like they always tell each other every small detail in each other's life.

"It's Lena" she started at small pace, trying to unpack everything in small amounts

"Lena? what happened?" Alex asked, trying to keep it subtle, giving Kara the chance to process everything slowly and letting it out at her own pace

"She....uh...she told me to leave" Kara continued

"Is that why you coms were off?" Alex asked knowing that it was probably the reason

"Yeah, I was clearing my head, looking for some quiet" Kara answered sadly

Although Alex didn't know the whole story, she could tell this was taking a toll on her sister. So she just nodded and moved close to Kara in order to encourage her to keep going and not hold back and so Kara did

"I really hurt her Alex, I could see it in her eyes. You know....she tried to look strong the other day, but I could see the hurt, the fragility, the ache, the discomfort, pain, stiffness, affliction and the agony. I don't know if she'll ever going to forgive me, I don't know if she'll ever trust anyone again" she confessed 

"She will in time, she'll get through it Kara, you know she will" Alex encouraged her, gave her some positive hope, something to hold on to

"Not this time Alex. Not this time" Kara clarified with so much pain, you could almost see her blood speed up through her veins.

"I promised her that I would never hurt her, that I wouldn't be like her family, that I was different. But, I was just like them, I lied to her and all the while she was opening up to me, isn't that just cruel, selfish, heedless and everything that I believed I would never be?" Kara added the look in her eyes was different this time, full of hate and disgust. She hated the fact that she hurt her, she hated that she did that to her, that she put her through that when she promised she wouldn't, she hated herself for doing that to her

"I know it doesn't look like it right now, but it will get better, not now, not tomorrow, not the day after that, but it will get better in time. Just don't give up on her and don't give up on yourself" Alex advised her sister

"Yeah, I'm not so sure about that Alex" she mumbled under her breath.

"C'mon let's go out tonight" Alex requested, however, it sounded more like an order coming from her

"No! Alex, I don't feel like going out, not tonight. Plus, there is nothing to celebrate" she looked so drained, so defeated and definitely lost, lost without her

"Just one night, you won't have to stay if you don't want to. We can leave as soon as it becomes uncomfortable, I promise" Alex begged and by the look of Kara's eyes, she was winning

"Okay!. We are leaving when I say so, deal?" she cleared to make it known that she was being serious

"Deal," Alex confirmed with lots of excitement


At L-Corp

"C'mon Lena just one night, at least get out of here, you've been isolating yourself for weeks now. At least get some fresh air" Sam begged 

"Sam, if I wanted to get drunk, I'd just do it at my place or in here if I wanted to, but I don't. So, I'm not coming with you to some party" Lena stated with so much confidence 

"Please Lena, it could be fun, just one night. Plus, you won't know anyone there" Sam continued to beg the Luthor to come with her

"You know I don't like going to parties and all that stuff, it's pointless and ridiculous you know that" Lena commented

"Okay then, can you at least do it as a favour for me, then if you don't like, you'll blame me for not having a good time" Sam decided to use a different method to get her to go to the party because Lena wasn't barging 

"A favour?" she asked

"Yes! a favour" Sam confirmed

"Okay" Lena agreed but she still seemed hesitant but she couldn't go back now, could she?

"Okay then, partying it is" Sam cheered like a twelve-year-old who has just been given the permission to run around in the house with no limits.

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