Burning City

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At the party, The Earth Liberation Front broadcasted their statement and introduced themselves to the world

Kara and Alex ended up leaving the party sooner than planned

Seemed like Lena and Kara's conversation wasn't happening any time soon.

At the DEO

"Why have they decided to reveal themselves to the world right now? i mean they could have done it three days ago, yesterday even..." agent Danvers was trying to get her head around why the Earth Liberation Front just revealed themselves

If fear was an animal, something you could put a face on, and you knew that in order for you to have a life of some sort of bliss or peace that you had to kill it. The only thing that you could kill that animal with was knowledge; that is the only thing that could kill that animal. And it is like growth on you that you can't seem to get rid of, and that fear is just so overwhelming. Because fear is about despair, it's about looking into the darkness and not seeing. And that was exactly what Alex and every other DEO agents were experiencing the moment someone suggested that "Maybe they want something"

The room was quiet as a cemetery

When Supergirl walked in, the silence put her on edge, a million thoughts crossed her mind in just a second.

No one uttered a word

It's like their minds and their bodies were no longer theirs

The silence was poison to them, for in that void of sound the shallowness of their conversation was laid bare. What used to be an intellectual banter of information and comedic moments was utterly vapid.

"What's happening?" she asked taking a step towards her sister

No one responded

No one!

"Alex?!, what is going on? why can't you tell me?" the Kryptonian persisted

Alex didn't answer back

When Kara moved closer to her sister, she tried shaking her to confirm if she was listening to her, but she was left mouth agape

Alex didn't even flinch, couldn't talk, couldn't move

"What the hell happened?" she thought out loud

Everyone was not moving and that terrified the girl of steel

She then moved to the operation centre to look for something, anything and everything she could work with

And on the screen, there was a list of names from Brainy's last calculations and patterns he had noticed

It was everyone who had signed an NDA that they knew Supergirl's identity.

They were all missing

Some had been missing for weeks, months even

She then noticed that three of them were found dead yesterday and were ruled as suicide attempt, car accident and shooting.

Before she could even think of what to do next, she saw another name on the list

"What?!!" she thought

She didn't waste any more time she had left, the Kryptonian immediately flew out her entrance at full speed

In no time she was calling out her name, "Lena?"

There was no response

"Lena?" she called again


She decided to use her supervision but the building was lined with lead

"Seriously Lena, you used lead?" she thought

She went on and used her super-hearing, she was listening for Lena's heartbeat which she knew by heart

One, two, three and Lena's was beating strong and steady

She followed the Luthor's heartbeat and in a matter of seconds she was standing inches away from her

"Lena!" she called her name

The Luthor turned her head faster than she had intended to

"Supergirl?" she mentioned as she added, "What are you doing here?"

"Haven't you seen what's going on outside?" Supergirl asked

"No! what's going on?" Lena asked taking the Tv remote beside her

The visuals she was seeing were disturbingly terrifying

The whole city was chaos

Everything was burning down, falling apart

Screams broke out. The men rushed forward, shouting orders. Fists clashed. Guns fired. More shouting. More screaming. More running. The attack was fierce, efficient and deadly.

They were attacking every public institution including schools, hospitals, banks, libraries and churches

It's as if they wanted everything gone in order to rebuild the city from scratch

In their own image

The silence of the waiting room made her blood as cold as the autumnal air that crept through an open window. Bereft of any wind the leaves outside hung limp until they fell of their own accord, there was no whispering noise just the two of them standing in the middle of a secret lab that no one had any idea it existed except that Supergirl knew.

"So, what brought you here beside the chaos outside?" Lena asked not understanding why Supergirl visited her instead of trying to fight for the city and the people

"For one, I needed to know that you were okay" she stated

"And second?" Lena asked

"I need your help" Supergirl answered as she looked Lena in the eyes

"My help, why?!" the Luthor was confused

"You're the only smart person I know who hasn't been taken" the girl of steel told with so much defeat in her voice

"What do you mean taken? what about the DEO, can't they help?" she still wasn't getting it

"That's kinda what I need help with, I don't know what happened to them. They don't respond to anything I say or do" she told her what she had experienced at the DEO before flying to her

"Will you help?" Supergirl asked

"Of course" the Luthor answered boldly as she moved to grab her tools.

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