𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚠

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"Brutto marmocchio!" Mr. Esposito yelled.
"Mi dispiace." I apologized.
Mr. Esposito kicked the now empty water bucket at me as I desperately to clean up the water off the floor. The cold hard metal clashed with my side as I let out a yelp of pain.
Don't cry. Don't cry
If I cried it would only be worse. Less food. Cold room. More beatings. I don't know how this man brought himself to hurt me the way he did. All of the harsh comments and loud yelling and complaints. They weren't fun. And now yelling was one of the things that triggered my meltdowns. I finished cleaning the water off of the shiny marble floor and picked up the now very wet rag setting it in the bucket. I limped over to the back door clutching my side. This wasn't the first time he had hit me there and it was only getting worse. I placed the bucket outside the door for the morning and walked into the kitchen. Grabbing a big sauce pot out of the light cream cabinets I turned on the burner for the stove to heat up. "Lizzy." I heard a kind, sweet, voice call. I look up from the stove to see Martina, the other maid of the Esposito household. "Lizzy, dear are you alright?" She asked her thick Italian accent comforting, like a sweet melody in my ear. My mouth worked before my brain did. "I'm leaving. Tonight." I stated flatly. "Elizabeth you know it's not safe." She said placing a hand on my back and gently rubbing it. "It's worth the try. I cant keep living like this with all the shouting and beating and crying and hurt. It's not good for me nor for you." I suddenly had an idea. " You should come with me! We can get on a ship and sail away to somewhere, some place away from all of this madness and neglect!" I was excited my the idea but Martina wasn't. "I'm getting to old, Liz. I won't be able to keep up." She turned off the burner. "Follow me." She quietly exited the kitchen and I did the same. We walked down the long hallway framed with photos of Mrs. Esposito's cat. We entered the foyer and climbed the marble staircase, our shoes making soft clicking sounds against its smooth surface. Martina led me to a window. Outside the window where hundreds of vines. The lush green plants were firm and strong and looked easy to climb. Wait. "No. No. I cant leave without you." I turned to the older lady who has always been like a mother to me. She pushed her cat eye framed glasses further up her nose and embraced me in a hug. "You have 3 minutes to get down those vines and to the harbor. Take the ship named 'Mary'. It will take you too a new life. A better one." She looked at me with kind eyes. Perfect milk chocolate ones. They always had a sparkle in them but this time there was no sparkle. Not even a flicker. But her eyes were still kind, and sincere. They held a longing in them, not for her, but for me. A longing for me to get away to leave this dreadful place. "Ti voglio bene, Elizabeth. "Ti amo anch'io." With those last words I climbed out of the open window.

A/N So. This is my first book Elizabeth is an oc. My grammar SUCKS like big time so enjoy my crappy writing. :) P.S I google translated all the Italian so please correct me if some of it is wrong:)

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now