𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚔𝚎

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"They jacked up the price!" Kid Blink complained. "Ya hear that Cor? 10 cents more per hundred! Ya know, it's bad enough we gotta eat what we don't sell now they jack up the price! Can you believe that?" I glare daggers at Oscar who was mocking Blink from behind him. He would have a swollen eye if that window wasn't there. "This'll bust me! I'm barely making a living now!" Skittery complained throwing his cigarette down on the ground. "I'm gonna be back sleeping on the streets!" Boots said throwing his hands in the air giving into the horrible news. "It doesn't make sense with all the money Pulitzers making why would he gouge us?" Mush wondered aloud. "Because he's a tightwad that's why!" I raised my voice a bit. "Pipe down Cuori." Jack scolded. I stormed over to the distribution window. "So why the jack up Weasel?" I snapped. "Why not. It's a nice day." The Delanceys laughed as the newsies yelled at him. "Why dontcha go ask Mr. Pulitzer?" He teased. "Gladly!" I started to walk out of the gate only to be grabbed by the back of my vest. "You ain't going anywhere Feisty." "Skittery Hayes you're going to get yourself soaked." I warned him. Skittery rolled his eyes. "We'll figure it out." He promised. His chocolate brown eyes staring into mine. They were promising and sincere. We walked back to the crowd as I jumped into the conversation. "Yeah like a strike!" Jack declared. "Excuse me!?" I said rather loudly. "Are you outta your mind?!" Race added. "Jack I was kidding you can't strike your not a union." Davey reasoned. "Yeah, well if we go on strike aren't we a union?" Jack pushed. "No. We're  just a bunch of angry kids with no money." Davey said trying to find his way out of this one. But Jack had his mind set there was no going back. Davey spoke again "I mean maybe if we get every kid in New York but-" Jack cut him off "We organize! Crutchie you take up for collection!" Crutchie took off his hat taking it around as the newsies pitched in a few extra cents. I was kind of on board with the idea now. Things have been slow going anyway, a little action wouldn't hurt. Plus, we have rights too, just because we live on the streets doesn't mean we don't have a say. "Jack this isn't a joke! You saw what happened to those trolly workers!" Davey reasoned once more. "Hey that's another good idea! Anyone who doesn't join us we bust their heads like the trolley workers!" I said leading the boys out of the circulation gate. "Stop and think about it Jack! You can't just rush everyone into this!" "Alright let me think." Jack turned to face the crowd once we got to Newsie Square. "Listen Dave's right Pulitzer and Hearst and all them other rich fellas, I mean, they own this city, so do they really think a bunch of street kids like us can make any difference? The choice has got to be yours. Are we just gonna take what they give us, or are we gonna strike?" There was a moment of silence among the newsies as we all thought over the decision. "STRIKE!" Les exclaimed. Davey practically tackled his brothers as the newsies cheered. "Keep talking Jack. Tell us what to do." Boots encouraged. While Davey was telling Jack what to say next something caught my eye. A man standing a few yards away listening to Jack and the boys. He was nicely dressed and carried a notepad. I stepped away from the crowd of cheering boys and approached the man. "Are you one of those newsies?" He asked. "That I am." I said, a stupid grin on my face. "Wait you're a girl?!" he asked shocked. "Got a problem with it?" I glared daggers at the man. "No! No. Sorry." there was an awkward pause before the man spoke again. "Well then, you seem to be the reasonable one." he assumed "Nope! That's David. Jack just runs his mouth and keeps me from giving Pulitzer a black eye." I glared at The World office building. He took a few notes on the pad before sticking out his hand "Brian Denton. I'm a reporter I work for the Sun." I fought back the urge to not spit in my hand. "Cuori."
"Just Cuori I don't talk about my last name and if you know me you won't push it." I stated flatly. "Alright well I'll let you be on your way." he bid goodbye with a smile and walked over to the boys. I followed suit taking a different route to end up behind Jack. "And how about Brookyln, who wants Brooklyn?" He questioned the crowd got quiet. "Ya telling me ya scared of Brooklyn?"
"Hey we ain't afraid of no turf!" Boots defended. "But that Spot Conlon gets us a little nervous." I perked up at the name. The past weeks days all I could think about was Spot and the boys. Sure, I sold in Brooklyn everyday but I only ever saw Fox and Tag maybe Whiz. I haven't seen spot in 4 whole months. "I'll take Brooklyn." I offered. Jack jumped. "Jesus Cuori don't do that." I laughed "Jack, David, Boots, you fellas can keep me company." I said with a smile. Boots gave me a look. He was gonna get me back for this one. "Alright. Just as soon as you take our demands to Pulitzer." Davey said. "Me to Pulitzer?" Jack questioned. "Well you're the leader Jack." I snickered at Davey's remark he smiled back at me. Jack paused before grabbing Les. "Well maybe the kid will soften them up." he tried, turning and heading into The World. The newsies all cheered and started chanting Strike. I saw Denton walk up to David and they started talking. I found myself wandering off to who knows where.
I ended up at Tibby's. When I walked in I saw Les, Jack, and David sitting at a table in the corner. "Are you scared? I mean you're going up against the most powerful man in New York?" Denton asked. "Oh look at him he's tremblin'." I quipped. Jack blushed a bit at my joke but I brushed it off as nothing. Davey laughed as well. "Alright keep me informed I want to know everything that's going on." He said handing Davey a card. "Are we really an important story?" Davey asked hopefully. "Well, what's important? Last year I covered the war in Cuba. Charged up San Juan Hill with Col. Teddy Roosevelt. That was an important story. So, is the newsie's strike important? That all depends on you." Denton replied getting up and starting to walk out of the small diner. "So my names really gonna be in the papes?" Jack's question stopped Denton he turned around letting Tibby put his coat on for him. I rolled my eyes. Rich men. "Any objections?" "Not as long as you get it right. Kelly, Jack Kelly. Oh and Denton? No pictures." Denton laughed "Sure Jack." he turned and left Tibby's notebook and pen in hand. I turned back to the group of boys at the table "Alright fellas. Let's head out to Brooklyn!" I exclaimed.

A/N Wow another big one. Just a heads up I don't like writing out the songs for me it's annoying in fanfics it just doesn't seem natural so that's why none have come on yet sorry for the inconvenience (key word yet bc I'm making a exception later on) :)

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now