𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚗𝚍

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A/N Sorry for interrupting but I am saying that I am aware this book is short and not very good or juicy and what not. But I'm kinda using it as a way to get back into writing. A warm up, if you will. So yeah...... :)

"So when's the others comin'?" I asked impatiently. "They ain't. It's just us." Jack said rather sadly. I sighed leaning against the Horace Greeley statue. Even Spot was a no show, none of the work kids were coming. We did all that work for nothing. Les slowly walked away from the small group of us facing the bridge. "When the circulation bell starts ringing, will we hear it?" Race came up behind him taking his cigar out of his mouth. "Nah." He said smiling. "What if the Delanceys come out swinging, will we hear it?" He playfully punched Les as he giggled. "No!" Les said enthusiastically. Race always was good with kids, they always seemed to love him. "Thatta boy." He said ruffling Les's hair. "When ya got a million voices singing who can hear a lousy whistle blow! And the world will know!" I whirled around to see thousands of sweatshop kids parading down the street. All lead by Spot. I smirked as he approached me. "Ya said it'd be a good idea so I did it." He said casually shrugging. I squealed and threw myslef at him engulfing him in a hug. "We're goin' in, wish us luck." David said with a smile before disappearing into The World building. Spot wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me close. "Ya think we can do it?" I asked, looking up at him. He drew in a breath and nodded never taking his eyes off of the building. Wait. I used to always wait. Wait for everything. Recently I didn't have to wait for anything, except maybe food at times. But now all I was doing again was waiting. Waiting for Jack and Dave to get out of the building, announce we won, or we didn't. What if we didn't win. What if all of this was for nothing, I would truly be crushed. I tapped my foot anxiously, staring at the big wooden door with the golden handles. Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours until finally David and Jack appeared from the building. Everyone got quiet, my heart was beating out of my chest as I waited for the answer. Jack kept down and whispered something in Les's ear before hoisting him up on his shoulders.
Spot's POV
"WE WON!" Les called out through the crowd. Before I could think of what I was doing I had grabbed Cuori by the waist and pulled her in for a kiss. And she kissed back. We had to pull away we were smiling so much. "What was that for?" She asked playfully. I shrugged "Cause I wanted to." I stated smirking. She laughed again kissing me once more as we continued to celebrate the victory. Jack gave me the death glare and I just turned back to Cuori. A whistle blew out through the air and I saw the bulls carriage pull up. I went to run but over heard Denton talking to Jack. "Jack, it's over.You don't have to run. Come on." He ushered Jack over to the carriage. The back opened and multiple kids got out. Cuori's face filled with delight as the skinner boy with the crutch appeared. She released herself from my grasp pushing through the crowd. "CRUTCHIE!" she squealed almost knocking the boy over. I laughed and smiled at her. A genuine smile, a real one, one I haven't smiled in a long time. She must have told Crutchie about the kiss giving the look he threw in my direction. I walked back over to Cuori as Crutchie shut the back of the carriage door locking Snyder inside. "By Pooface!" Race called after the carriage. I rolled my eyes "Real mature Race." "It's my middle name!" He stated proudly. Crutchie turned to Jack "Oh, Jack, you ought tah seen it! He comes stormin' into the Refuge waving
his walking stick like a sword and he's leading in this army of lawyers and cops." Jack cut him off "Wait Wait. Who comes stormin' in?" "Ah ya know, ya friend," he gestured to behind Jack. "Teddy Roosevelt." My mouth dropped open as me an Cuori looked at each other and then back at the governor. "The Governor's very grateful that you brought this problem to his attention. I said you might need a lift somewhere. He'd be happy to oblige. Anywhere you want. And this time, you ride inside." Denton joked to Jack. "So, can he drop me at the train-yards?" Jack asked. I could feel the sadness just radiating off of Cuori. As she was frozen in place next to me, Jack walked past her and towards the governor shaking hands with him and climbing in the carriage. Waving goodbye to the Newsies Jack left on the carriage. Cuori buried her head in my chest, I could feel a few tears come down her cheeks. I turned to see Sarah, and little Les in tears, they must be heartbroken. David has walked away from the trio and to the circulation gate. I saw him slap down the coin as the newsies cheered. "Let's go get ya papes, Liz." I said and started walking off with her. I turned my head behind me to see the carriage returning Jack inside. The newsies all cheered and ran up to the carriage. Cuori ran up to Jack before stopping and crossing her arms as the newsies all surrounded her and Jack in the middle of the distribution gate. "Ya really gonna have ta stop messin' with us sooner or later." Jack just laughed pulling the small girl in for a hug. Sarah has pushed through the crowd and managed to get her way to Jack. He hesitated before pulling her in for a kiss. "Well in that case." I added smugly turning to Cuori and kissing her again as well. "YOU TWO FUCK AND IM TAKING HER BACK SPOT!" Albert called over the crowd. "Really?" Cuori threw her cap at him just for him to catch it. "What? I felt the need to yell something!" He shrugged. "So you yell that." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "We've been over this. He's a dumbass." Race piped up. The two started fighting as I grabbed Cuoris hand and raced to the carriage. "Can you give us a ride ya Brooklyn sir?" I asked after shaking hands with Teddy. "Course son! Hop on in." I smiled pulling Cuori into the carriage with me. "To Brooklyn!" I announced. "To Brooklyn." She copied kissing me on the cheek as we rode out of Newsie Square.

A/N Tehe it's over BUT DONT WORRY I got a big book coming soon I really hoped y'all liked it thanks for reading :)

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now