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4 days. 4 very long days. The ship finally docked as I climbed back into my crate, securing the top over my head. More minutes. It seemed like all I did these days was wait. Wait for food, warmth, happiness, friends, freedom. I was set down and heard the men walk away. I quickly and quietly removed the top of the crate and climbed out. My messy work boots hit the pavement and I was off running through the crowd. I slowed to a stop when I got to a pier. There was a bridge at the end of the pier and many boys around it. Some jumping in the water, others climbing back up onto the docks, wrestling, playing card games, or counting change. But they all had one thing in common. They looked disgusting. Not that I have any room to talk. My short curly brown hair is a rats nest of knots and twists. I smell horrible after being in the storage deck of a boat for 4 days. My face was caked with dirt and grime along with my hands and dress. "Hiya, Doll." I whirled around to see who the owner of the voice was only to be met with two pairs of brown and green eyes. "Um, hello!" I said shyly trying to sound happy and not afraid, but these two boys gave me a bad feeling. "Tell me, what's a pretty lady like you'se doin' in Brooklyn?" One asked he was the shorter of the two with blonde hair that brought out his green eyes. The eyes were not pretty and kind, more menacing and mischievous. "Brooklyn?" I asked confused. "Biggest burrow in New York." The taller stated proudly a smug smirk on his face. His dark brown eyes were almost black and held the same menacing look as the shorter. I just nodded and tried to walk away when I felt a hand on my wrist and I was pulled back. "Oh come on sweetheart let us have some fun!" The taller flirted. I struggled in his grip "Let me go!" I shouted. He just smirked "I don't think I will. Can't have anyone else snatch ya up." He tried to get closer so I curled my hand in a fist and slammed it into his face. He yelped and grabbed his jaw where I hit him looking at me with wide eyes. The blonde tried to come after me but I punched him in the gut sending him back and on to the ground. I turned again trying to walk away but was stopped by another boy. I sighed rolling my eyes. "Go ahead. Flirt. But I would suggest taking a different route if you don't want to end up like those guys." I quipped. The boy looked down at me with piercing icy blue eyes. He was skinnier with dirty blonde hair that fell infront of his eyes a bit. His eyes held no emotion as I stared into them. "Watcha doing here toots."
"Quit it with the pet names." I scolded. He took a pimp cane out of his belt loop and twirled it looking me up and down. "Answer da question kid." He sneared. "I ran away from Italy. Don't know where I am really Sir Flirts-a-lot and his sidekick over here said I was in Brooklyn?" A few boys snickered and I heard others make ooooo-ing noises. "Feisty." The boy stated bluntly with a smirk. "Well I can make this easy for ya. Become a newsie."

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now