𝚁𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚜

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I was curled in a ball now just crying and crying and crying. All the tears from leaving Martina, getting yelled at and hit, and all of the built up tears from years before just letting it all out. My sobs turned into sniffles when I heard the sound of boots approaching. I tensed up prepared to run or fight if I had to. "Um, Miss are you'se ok?" I heard a voice call they had a slight New York accent but a heavier accent was present. Italian. I looked up only to be met with a shorter newsboy. He had dark eyes and dark hair with a unlit cigar hanging out of his mouth. "Oh God! You'se look like hell!" he stated the obvious. I sniffled "Yeah no kiddin'." He laughed a bit before coming closer and squatting down in front of me. His kind eyes scanned my face. He hissed a bit "Yeesh whoever got ya got ya bad. I'm Racetrack Higgins by the way." He introduces himself. "Cuori" I replied. "Wait here I'm gonna go get some of the fellas." He said standing up. "Not like I can go anywhere." I said wincing. The pain had really started to sink in everything was hurting, bad. Racetrack ran down the sidewalk disappearing from site. Not 5 minutes later I could hear voices. "She's up here!" A voice I recognized as Racetrack's said. Him and two other boys came running down the alley to me. One with red hair and the other a dirty blonde. The blonde who was the taller of the two crouched down in front of me. "Who are they?" I asked Racetrack. "This is Albert and Jack. If anything goes wrong they know what to do." Racetrack replies. "She's beat up pretty bad Race." Jack said. "I'M NOT CARRYING HER!" Albert shot up walking out of the alley. I cringed and whimpered a bit at the yelling. Jack seemed to notice. "Now you are." "God da-" Albert was cut off by Race. "Swear Jar!" "Forgot about the Swear Jar." Albert mumbled. The redhead came over to me picking me up bridal style and carrying me out of the alley. The four of us walked a few blocks before I decided to break the silence. "Where exactly am I?" I questioned my accent popping through. Race stopped dead in his tracks. "Oh my God. You'se....you'se is Italian! HOLY SHIT!" He yelled I winced at the yelling again but couldn't help but smile. "Race! The Swear Jar!" Albert reminded. "FUCK THE SWEAR JAR SHES ITALIAN!" I laughed even though it hurt. "I have officially been replaced." Albert said in mock sadness. "It's not that big of a deal, Race." Jack said sounding rather annoyed. "Jack. Race has been waiting since he got here to meet someone else who is Italian." Albert deadpanned. I just laughed some more at the boys antics. After Race's little episode Jack explained everything. I was in Manhattan or, 'Hattan as it was most commonly referred to. Jack was the leader of the newsies and Race was his second in command Albert was Race's best friend. They were taking me to Miss Medda's they said she could clean me up because none of them were good medics. We walked a few more blocks before stopping infront of a theatre. On the front of the theatre was a big sign that had a picture of a very beautiful lady on it. 'Medda Larkin this vaudeville theatre only!'

A/N So in this its all 92sies characters except Albert bc I couldn't find him in the casting and stuff. Re-reading this I'm like dang that's clingy but it's a hc for the swear jar thing and I'm my Ocs story Race is really excited abt her being Italian sooooo.....:)

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now