𝚃𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚡

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"There's a problem." Spot said with a sigh. I looked up from my deck of cards. I kind of new how to play poker I was getting better at it with the help of Ace and Clubs. "What's up Spot?" Ace asked. "We's ain't got enough room for Cuori." He said. "Bronx has room!" Fox informed. "Why not 'Hattan?" another boy asked. "No way am I sending her to 'Hattan! Race will be all up on her in a matter of minutes!" Spot told the boy. I sat through the rest of their bicker listening carefully. I guessed that the Bronx and 'Hattan were boroughs in New York. Apparently there was a girl leader in the Bronx and all the boys in Manhattan are Fox on steroids which I didn't want to go through. Eventually Spot made the executive decision to take me to the Bronx. I followed Spot out of the Lodging House and into the dark streets of Brooklyn. The crisp night air was fresh and clean pricking my nose with a slight chill. The wind swept through my short hair causing it to fly everywhere. "Here." Spot handed me a cap much like the one the other newsies were wearing. It was dark gray with a lighter plaid print on it, the fabric was softer than I expected. I pulled the cap over my head it shielded my face and covered the rats nest of dark brown curls that is my hair. We walked down the pier and to the bridge that I saw earlier. It's tall stone poles highlighted the stars. The wires connecting the poles almost invisible in the dark. Spot led the way across the long bridge and I walked behind him bouncing with every step. "Quite the happy one ain't ya?" Spot said with a smirk looking halfway over his shoulder. "Well if you were stuck in an abusive household as a maid for 12 years and finally got out you would be too." I quipped. "That long?" "Yeah." We went back to a comfortable silence as I looked over the edge of the bridge. The water lapped over the side of rocks and up onto posts. The sound was comforting and calm, it reminded me of Martina's voice. I missed her so much already. One day I was going to go back and get her out of that place, they didn't hit her like they did me, but they overworked her. She was a kind, sweet 67 year old woman and they were wearing her out faster and faster by the day. Now with me gone she was going to have more work, but I was going to help her. I was determined to get her out. We walked for another hour or so before we reached the end of the bridge. "Stay close, don't let anyone know you'se is a goil." Spot told me. His demeanor changed from more relaxed to now tense and fully aware of his surroundings. We walked through a few back alleys and climbed up fire escapes jumping across roofs before we got to another big brick building. Slightly more cleaned up and smaller, I assumed it was the Bronx's lodging house. Spot slid down an old pipe and I did the same launching myself off of it halfway down and landing perfectly next to Spot. "Show off." I heard him mutter. I just snickered a bit before walking towards the building, Spot catching up to me easily. He knocked on the door and a very small girl answered it. "Hiya Spot!" she said enthusiastically. "Hey Smalls. Listen, you guys got room for one more? Cuori here needs a place to stay for a minute until we can get our housing under control." Spot told her. "Yeah I do. I was gettin ready to go on patrol really quick check in with Hattan maybe so come on in!" She said happily. I said goodbye to Spot and headed inside. The Lodge was set up like Brooklyn's but it was brighter and more welcoming. I waved awkwardly at the boys of the house. "Fellas! This is Cuori she'll be staying with us for a bit. Behave while I'm gone." Smalls instructed and closed the door leaving me and some very scary looking boys in the small space. "Heya toots." one of them said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes "I don't do pet names thank you." The boy just laughed standing up from the couch and coming closer to me. "Is'll call ya whatever I want." he said the smirk never fading as he got up in my face. "Please leave me alone." I begged the fear getting to me now. "You'se is cute when ya scared." He said with a menacing smile. He snakes his arm around my waist. With a stroke of bravery I grabbed it holding it firmly in my hand. "Don't touch me you pig." I hissed. "What did you call me?" he questioned. "Did I stutter?" The stinging in my cheek was only the beginning. There was a punch to the gut and kicks to my legs, knocking me over. Another kick to my eye and cheek. He punched my nose and I felt the blood start to trickle. I managed to fight back and get up. "YOU BRAT!" he yelled. The yelling. I hate yelling every bit of it, it reminds me of my past and terrible things come with yelling. I whirled around and busted through the door leaving it opened as I ran through the streets. I ran and ran until I couldn't anymore. I ducked into an alley, alone, and afraid. I had no idea where I was and that only made things worse. I pressed myself against the wall of the alley sliding down it and just sobbing. I thought I had found a better place and better people but the Bronx was just the opposite of that.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now