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There was something wrong with her. She had always been turned on by Rachel, but ever since sleeping with her and being given a hand-job by her, she was now constantly aroused. The brunette was the only thing in her mind. Her lips, her thighs, her legs, her hips, hey eyes, her smile, her laugh, just everything about her.

They were in Glee now, and surprise, surprise, Rachel was performing. Only this time her scorching gaze was set on Quinn instead of an angry and confused looking Finn. They had both, unbeknown to each other, broken up with their respective boyfriends via text.

Everyone was just starring at the diva and cheerleader like it was a ping pong match. Eyebrows were rising on some, others had they're jaws dropped, while others had smirks on their faces and one was thinking about if a rhinoceros could pass as a fat, gray, unicorn.

The stares went unphased by the oblivious couple who were too into their seductive game to notice. Rachel was singing some sexy song that Quinn wasn't listening to since her other senses were focused on her body, eyes, and lips. Rachel was seducing her slowly with the sway of her body and that sultry gaze. By this point, Quinn had her legs tightly crossed and a drawing pad covering her erection.

Rachel was very aware of Quinn's body language and the effect she was having on the cheerleader.

As her performance came to an end, the glee club broke into slow, scattered clapping as they erupted into chatter.

"Dude, they're totally doing it."

"Is anybody's gaydar pinging like crazy?"

"San, I heard that cat with mustaches should be taken seriously."

"You gotz to be kidding me, Q and RuPaul? Psh, I'm hotter than both of them combined"

While everyone was chattering about Glee's new situation, a note was dropped unto Quinn's lap.

"Meet me at the auditorium, front row, center, right after glee. I'll make it worth your while ;)" -RB*

Quinn smirked, knowing she wouldn't have to take her situation into her own hands. She also wanted to ask her something important.

"Alright you guys, settle down! Rachel that was an interesting performance but your song choice may have been a tad tone it down next time?" Mr. Shue said, cowering a bit when he saw Quinn Fabray glare at him.

"Ok you guys, this is all for now see you all next time!" He clapped.

Everyone got up noisily, leaving and talking about the recent turn of events. Kurt and Mercedes already texting furiously on their phones.

Quinn again was the last to get up. She watched as Rachel passed her by with an extra sway of her ass, looked over her shoulder, winked and left.

She let out a breath trying to calm ger erection enough to get up without any suspicion of her situation.

As she thought about Coach Sylvester and Coach Beiste, her erection deflated, disgusted with herself that she had to use those means to calm her raging hormones. She wondered as to when she became a a horny 13 year old boy. Oh yea, when I was between a certain brunette's thighs.

Shaking her head, she put her stuff away in her Cheerios bag, she got up and left the choir room but not before being stopped by an arm on her bicep.

"What's going on with you and Manhands?" Santana asked.

"Nothing is going on with Rachel and I" Quinn responded, breaking Santana's hold on her arm.

"Q, please, she was literally undressing you with her eyes and eye-fucking you, and I know eye-fucking when I see it, I do it all the time."

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