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The next day Quinn and Rachel strolled the halls like nothing had happened. There were only a couple of people angry about that specially Finn, Santana and Sam, while others were ecstatic, which was mainly Puck.

People went about their day ignoring them, because duh, they were gleeks but of course there was the football team bullies.

Rachel happened to be alone, happily skipping to class, when she was approached by Azimio and Kurofsky.

"'Sup Gay for Fabray, where's your Queerio at?" Azimio snarled

"I don't understand, did Hudson's little problem upset you? Because, baby, I don't got that problem and I could show you how a real man fucks a woman, a way that Fabray will never show you" Kurofsky said roughly pushing Rachel against the lockers, getting impossibly close to her.

"Don't you dare touch me, Dave!" A defiant Rachel said

"Oh she's feisty!" Kurofsky laughed with Azimio "No wonder Hudson liked tapping that ass, fuck I like 'em feisty too."

"Touch her and I'll fucking castrate your dick, Kurofsky!" A furious Quinn Fabray said, making her appearance, her heart and instincts on alert that her maybe baby-mama was in danger.

"Oh look what the Pride Parade brought, our own HBIC Quinn Fabgay!" Azimio said, a little afraid at the fire in Quinn's eyes.

Kurofsky laughed ignoring her, but out of nowhere he was flung against the other side of the lockers. Startled as to what had happened, he tried to move but was stopped by the fiery hazel eyes of an enraged head Cheerio.

"What I say, motherfucker?" she said, lowly her voice so cold hell was freezing over.

Quinn wansn't as tall as Kurofsky but she sure scared the shit out of him now, he'd never seen her this angry before.

"Fabray, what the fuck! I was just messing with her!" He tried to recover, seeing a crowd begin to gather around them.

"Don't fucking talk" she threatened completely oblivious to their audience except for her maybe baby-mama who was just staring, not knowing what to do.

"But.." he tried, but was punched in the nose by a small fist, blood guzzling down in torrents, as he grabbed his injured nose, he was kneed hard in the balls. Groaning in horrendous pain, he fell to floor grabbing his busted balls.

Quinn got next to him and grabbed him by the back of his head.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, fucker, don't touch her, speak to her, look at her in the face or even be 5 feet from her or I'll kill you, you hear me! I'll fucking kill you!" She screamed, about to punch him again when she was lifted in the air.

"Whoa woah Q! Jeez don't kill him just yet, chillax, the Puckasourous has this covered" Puck said placing the angry blond next to her still baffled brunette.

"That goes to all you!" Quinn said glaring at the crowd, who rapidly dispersed not wanting to further piss off the blond.

"Quinn, baby, calm down" Rachel said placing her hand on her forearm, instantly spreading peace through her body, making her feel suddenly exhausted.

"Let's go to the nurse and have your hand checked out" Rachel said examining Quinn's reddening knuckles

"Rach I'm fine" she snapped.

"Quinn Fabray, don't talk to me like that, now come with me, this instant!" She responded with diva attitude. Quinn nodded her head, feeling guilty that she had accidentally snapped at her girl.

Reaching the nurse's office, Rachel Berry demanded that her girlfriend, Head Cheerio Quinn Fabray be attended "NOW!" an ice pack automatically appearing in her hand.

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