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"Last night was" Rachel looked up at Quinn with fluttering eyelashes, biting her lower lip.

They were both very close to each other leaning against the lockers. Rachel had her back to them, holding her books against her chest while Quinn had her arm above Rachel's head, holding in place her Cheerios bag in her shoulder with the other, smirking down at Rachel.

"You liked that?" she husked, her eyes roaming over Rachel's face.

"I was so turned on by your aggressiveness" she whispered, turning Quinn on with her lips and darkening pools of brown.

"I couldn't help myself, I just wanted to make you mine. I hope I didn't, you know, make you feel like an object," Quinn said, looking at the floor bashfully.

"You didn't, but it's OK because I belong to you as much as you belong to me." she replied cupping Quinn's jaw and bringing her down for a kiss.

"Can the Puckzilla join the love fest?" Puck asked, suddenly appearing next to them and enjoying the play of tongues in front of him.

He only received a raised middle finger from Quinn.

"Fine. There's another girl that's too much woman for me to handle anyway" he smirked, as he saw Lauren Zizes fill his eyesight.

Rachel broke away from the kiss only to see Quinn still with her eyes closes, lips formed into a goofy smile.

She gasped as Quinn slowly opened her eyes to reveal that her usual hazel eyes were now a shimmering shade of gold.

"Wow your eyes look so beautiful" she said in awe.

Quinn smiled and pecked her lips one more time as the warning bell ringed, signaling that they should head to class.

"Come on shorty, I'll walk you to class" she smiled, holding her arms out for Rachel to place her books in.

"Always the chivalrous one" Rachel said, as she took Quinn's hand and started to head to her class, feeling like she was walking on a cloud. Her life had changed for the better once Quinn Fabray had trusted her with her secret and became her girl. She never thought love could be this way.

It was after glee class and Quinn had been waiting for Rachel outside McKinley because Rachel had to talk to Mr. Shue about something. That had been 20 minutes ago and she was getting impatient and went to search for her girlfriend.

As she got closer to the choir room she heard some quiet talking.

"Please Rachel! You gotta give me another chance! I don't understand why you like her. She was so mean to you, and she just fluttered her eyelashes at you and you dumped me." he said, "via text! Who does that, even I wouldn't break up with you like that. I would've never broken up with you" a pleading Finn Hudson said.

"Finn we've already talked about this" she said exasperatedly "I'm in love with her Finn, why can't you just understand that?"

"But what future can she give you? What happens when you want to have kids? She won't give you a baby that'll look like the both of you, and I can. I can give you a family, love, and everything else" he said.

"Finn you'd be surprised, but I'm pretty sure Quinn can find ways to give me all that too, believe me" she said, internally joyed that Quinn could in fact impregnate her with their beautiful love child when the time was right.

"Rachel, but I love you!" he said.

"Finn I love you too" she replied, seeing him perk up, "but just as a friend, why can't we just be friends?"

"Because we're meant for each other Rachel. What happened to the girl that was all over me at the beginning of last year?" he asked.

"She matured and found someone else, Finn" she replied.

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