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It was early in the morning and Rachel had begun to stir awake. She slowly opened her eyes taking in the sun filtered room. She slowly blinked away her drowsiness and noticed she wasn't in her own room. Her heart pounded at the realization but settled once she remembered she was at Quinn's.

She heard the blonde's soft breathing behind her, still fast asleep. The warmth of her body pressed up tightly against her back, with her arm secured around her waist.

She wanted to turn around and face her lover, but Quinn's arm tightened its hold on her body.

Rachel sighed and relaxed back, enjoying her lover's body.

A few minutes later she felt the urge to pee and figured she might as well shower away last night's sweaty activity.

She gently pried away Quinn's arm from around her, earning herself a disgruntled grunt, she slid off the bed and watched in amusement as Quinn frowned in her sleep, flipping over and hugging a pillow to take Rachel's place.

A flash of arousal coursed through her body as the bed sheet slid down just below the swell of Quinn's ass giving her a peek of the firm muscle there.

She shook her head clearing off any dirty thoughts while making her way towards the bathroom leaving the door open just in case Quinn awoke and wanted to join her.

Half an hour later, Rachel stepped out into the room freshly showered and wrapped around a fluffy towel.

She noted that Quinn was still fast asleep and was slightly drooling into her pillow.

Rachel sat next to the sleeping blond, giggling as she brushed away messy blond hair and kissed her pink cheek.

"You're so adorable," she whispered.

She got lost in thought, thinking of how passionate their encounters always were, how they had sex almost every opportunity they got, yet their relationship wasn't solely based on sex. She just knew that every time they were touching each other intimately, feelings were expressed to their fullest. Just the way Quinn looked at her and touched in the throes of passion, let her know how much she cared and loved her.

Soft movement behind her woke her from her thoughts. Pale, toned arms wrapped around her body, her wet hair was parted to the side and a pair of lips settled on her damp skin, making her aware that Quinn was awake.

"You smell good," a husky voice whispered against the skin of her neck.

Rachel closed her eyes; bit her lip and tilted her head to the side to expose more of her neck to Quinn's teasing lips and teeth.

The arms around her loosened and she felt as hands slowly undid the knot that held her towel together, letting it fall around her hips, exposing her breasts to the air.

"Quinn..." Rachel moaned out.


Quinn cupped the weight of her breasts, massaging them gently while teasing her dusky nipples with the thumbs and forefingers.

Rachel could feel Quinn's own naked breasts on her back.

She moaned as Quinn continued her assault. She began to slightly start to rotate her hips in hopes of friction.

Rachel placed her hand over Quinn's, moving one down her smooth stomach and placing it where she needed it the most.

Both groaned as their joined hands reached the wet destination.

Quinn was panting into her ear reveling on how smooth and wet Rachel was already. She inhaled deeply catching a whiff of Rachel's strawberry shampoo.

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