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6 years later...

Quinn inserted the key to her home jiggling the knob just a bit. She opened the door and was instantly assaulted by a tiny human.

"Momma you home!," her daughter Emmy yelled, hugging Quinn's knees. Her baby girl seemed to have acquired Rachel's vertical challenge-ness.

"My baby!" Quinn exclaimed reaching down to pick up her child and twirl her around, earning herself delighted giggles from her kid.

She stopped spinning them around and closed her eyes as her baby girl hugged her neck, running her fingers through the soft brunette locks.

"I'm glad you're home, Ms. Fabray," Bertha the housekeeper said, smiling at the scene before her.

"Me too, Bertha. Me too. Thank you for taking care of Emmsies today. You're a lifesaver, hope she wasn't too much trouble," Quinn said.

"Not at all. She's always such a sweetheart. We did go to the park and you know how she gets around kids, but she did play with them," Bertha said.

Quinn & Rachel really didn't know where their daughter got her shy quietness from since both of them tended to be very outspoken. They weren't worried since this trait seemed to charm adults and children alike.

"That's good. Oh and thanks again," Quinn said.

"No problem, I will see you all next week and oh, give the other Ms. Fabray a kiss and a hug from me," Bertha said, gathering her belongings and making her way out.

"You got it. Take care and say hi to your family for me," Quinn said.

"Sure will. Goodbye Emmy," Bertha said, ruffling the young brunette's hair who was still in her momma's arms.

"Bye Bertha," she shyly replied with a smile.

Mother and daughter waived off the nanny goodbye. Quinn closed the door and headed to the couch.

"Alright Ms. Emmy D stay here while I get changed and then you can tell me what you did today, sound good?" Quinn asked.

"Yup, s'good" the brunette replied with a disarming smile, so similar to Rachel's.

Quinn kissed her daughter's cheek and headed upstairs to quickly change and spend quality time with her daughter before Rachel got home and hogged all their time.

Back downstairs, she reached the couch where her daughter was very intently coloring in her SpongeBob SquarePants coloring book.

She got close to her daughter and lightly tickled her tummy enjoying the giggles erupting from her child's mouth.

"Who wants a piggy back ride!" Quinn said.

"Me! Me! I do, I do!" Emmy exclaimed quickly jumping from the sofa to Quinn's back.

Quinn zoomed through the living room with her daughter who was pretending they were an airplane.

After a couple more rounds, Quinn sat breathlessly unto the couch with her daughter on her lap.

"That was fun, wasn't it munchkin?" Quinn asked, giving her daughter an Eskimo kiss.

"Yes," Emmy answered, "Momma? When's mommy coming home?"

"Very soon, baby," Quinn answered.

"I saw her on TV again," Emmy informed Quinn.

"You did? Wow!" Quinn replied, loving how her baby's hazel eyes sparkled in wonderment.

"Yah! She looked very pretty. Uncle Jesse was with her," the young brunette stated.

"Oh he was, was he," Quinn said, the irrational part of her getting a little bit jealous that Jesse was spending time with her wife. But they were both famous actors now who were high in demand and were at a film festival in Los Angeles,"and did your mommy look pretty, just like you?"

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