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The glee club members could hear the thumping music coming from Puck's house all the way down from where they were driving up. Mercedes, Tina, Mike, Blaine and Rachel were carpooling in Kurt's SUV heading to the party.

The party was well on its way. There was toilet paper, beer bottles, cans and empty red plastic cups already thrown everywhere on Puck's yard.

The Gleeks entered and were instantly overwhelmed by the amount of people inside. The winning spirit was still in the air and people were taking the celebration very seriously.

Some people were throwing footballs around, some were almost having sex on the make shift dance floor, some were making out on the couches or on the walls, while others were upside down being held up by jocks and chugging down beer.

"Hey you guys made it!" a surprisingly sober Puck greeted them, "I've got our own glee club VIP party on the basement," he said, motioning them to follow him.

The basement seemed safer and had a much more intimate feeling than the outright craziness going upstairs.

"Make yourselves comfortable the drinks are on the bar right there," Puck said, pointing to a well stocked bar at the far side of the room.

Rachel instantly caught Quinn's gaze. From what she could see, her girlfriend had started the partying before she got here. Her face was flushed a cute pink, the cause being the couple of drinks already swimming in her system. She was subtly dancing to the music that was blasting from the sound system while holding a plastic cup up to her lips. She stared at Rachel with hooded, glassy eyes as she took a sip from her drink.

From what she could tell, the blonde was alone. Rachel perked up at that knowledge but was then filled with intense jealousy as Santana came out of nowhere, kissed Quinn's rosy cheek, took her hand to drag her to the couch all the while smirking evilly at Rachel.

"All right guys. Let's get these guys caught up on their drinks with a little game of never have I ever!" Puck said with a mischievous grin, "Come on gather 'round"

The Gleeks groaned but huddled together in a circle, and like all drinking games involving jealous lovers, things were bound to get dramatic.

The game went on with secrets being revealed, clothes taken off, and pranks done as the alcohol freely flowed between them all. By the end everyone was past the point of being tipsy when Puck decided to play spin the bottle.

As this particular game carried on, everyone had pretty much kissed everybody, but tension soon filled the room as Rachel took her turn. Everyone watched intently as the bottle slowly spinned to a stop and pointed directly at an enthusiastically happy and half naked Brittany.

"Yay, I get to kiss the second hottest brunette here!" she said earning frowned looks from all the Gleeks with dark hair.

"Come on Brittany show me what those lips can do that have everybody talking," a drunken Rachel Berry said, taking the opportunity to make both Quinn & Santana a bit jealous.

Santana couldn't believe what was going on in front of her. She narrowed her eyes and gripped her plastic cup in a deadly grip, spilling a bit of her drink as Rachel and Brittany's lips connected in a not so chaste kiss. She bit the inside of her cheek in order not to say anything and give herself away. She hated this. She hated being a weepy drunk as she felt her eyes well up and heart clench in pain at not being the one kissing Brittany.

Next to her, Quinn was not very pleased either. She pursed her lips together and quirked her eyebrow trying to simmer down her anger as she spotted a bit of tongue play.

"I think that's enough," Santana suddenly spoke out, "no one wants to see the troll make out with anyone"

Everyone had been so enthralled at watching the two girls make out, that they all jumped back at hearing the Latina's voice.

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