Chapter Fifteen - The News

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*The Next Day*

My eyes burned as they concentrated on the glowing screen of my phone, the tv being the only other source of light in the living room.

'There's got to be something about the monster'

Once again, I've spent the entire day looking up demons and monsters; trying to figure out how to get rid of the thing that keeps torturing me.

'I can't get a priest to exorcise the house because of how difficult it would be to convince them to and I can't destroy the things belongings because as far as I know, it doesn't even have anything here' I was starting to lose hope when mid search, I heard something on the tv that immediately caught my attention and when I looked up, my jaw immediately dropped.

On the news it showed the same alleyway where the creep chased me in, then it cut to a news anchor a second later "A man was attacked and killed last night at stalewall street, presumably from an animal attack, we recommend everyone to keep an eye out for any stray dogs and if you see any please keep your distance from them" it then cut to a picture of the victim.

My eyes widened and I felt sick to my stomach.

'It's that creep from before!'

I turned the volume up; eagerly listening as I read the small news banner 'Man found dead in alleyway with severe injuries, suspected animal attack' My mouth dropped in shock 'He's dead?' All I could do was stare at the tv: wide eyed and mouth agape.

'I can't believe he's dead...not that I'm upset about it but, wow'

I leaned back and cringed slightly at the brutal details of what happened to him "We believe the animal involved in this is in relation of a canine, the cause of death has been ruled as severe injuries to the throat, we recommend everyone to be on watch until the animal is found, we'll be keeping you updated on new details of this story when we learn more about what happened" the news anchors nasally voice droned on.

'I guess that confirms the animal theory, but that also means that he probably died shortly after getting dragged away'

I shivered at the thought of potentially being the animals victim 'Would I have been attacked by the animal? What made it come down here anyway? Nobody in our area has any outside dogs and we're not that close to the wild'

It didn't make sense to me.

Neither of my suspicions made sense because if it was the monster why would it help me? Why would it follow me without attacking or taunting me? And if it really was an animal why didn't I hear or see it? I was on guard the whole time I was there so how did I not notice it?

'Oddly enough, I do feel somewhat safer though'

Ironically the news soon went on to talking about adopting puppies 'Well after what they just described I wouldn't hold your breath Mr. tinkles" My attention to the tv was short lived when my phone went off.

'Who could that be?' I usually don't get any calls except from scammers and spam 'It says it's from an unknown number, I'll just let it ring' I resumed looking for more information on the monster when my phone dinged, signaling they left a message.

'Probably looking for Carla' I chuckled to myself.  Since first getting my phone I've come to the conclusion that Carla was the original owner of my phone number 'And apparently she has a lot of tea on her too' I clicked on the play symbol and to my surprise it was.


"Hello Maria, I was hoping to get into more contact with you, I know it was probably your mother that forbade you from calling and texting me back but I really just want to talk to my Granddaughter again, the last time I saw you, you were still just a child and I miss you dearly" My brows furrowed when I heard a loud crash in the background and her next few words were noticeably rushed "Oh it seems I have to go now, goodbye for now dear" I stared at my phone with mixed emotions.

'What in the world was that noise?'

For a moment I was worried that it had something to do with the monster but that thought seemed silly. 

'Why would it go after her?'

My phone felt heavy in my hand as guilt started to consume me 'I mean, it wouldn't hurt to send her a little message right? I mean she did wish me a happy birthday so surely I could send a "thanks" or something right? and plus I'm worried about that crash in the back'

I tapped on the little bar and started my message but what started out as a simple thank you, quickly turned into a long paragraph of how I missed her and would love to see her but 'Due to certain circumstances' that I couldn't.

I hit send before I could back out 'And now we wai- oh she already responded' her message read: "I'm so glad that you responded, the last time that I saw you was not...ideal but I can only hope that soon we can cross paths again, but for right now texting is more then enough for me if it means that I can finally talk to you again" I smiled from ear to ear when I read her message.

'It's more then enough for me too Grandma'

I was about to reply back when I heard the sound of keys jingling outside the door and I quickly backed out of messages, acting casual when Mom walked in.

"Hey Mom, how was your trip?" I asked, staring at the tv hearing her huff "Terrible, nothing went right and I need a nap" I looked back at her to see he tiredly slouch as she walked 'Wow, I wonder what happened?' She kicked her shoes off and threw her purse on the couch and quickly left to her bedroom.

'Well that's a bit odd'

I was going to tell her about what I saw on the news but that could probably wait 'I think she really needs that nap' I turned back to the tv to turn it off when I briefly see a segment about a murder.

'That's sadly starting to be normal to see on the news'

I turned the tv off and walked to my room, thinking about what to send in reply to Grandma's message. I set my phone on my bed and walking over to my window that creaked as I opened it and let the chilly refreshing air in.

It's in the middle of winter but barely any snow has fallen 'It's kinda sad, I remember loving playing in the snow with Dad and making snow angels with Evie...Wait who's Evie?' I was confused by my own thought process.

'Why did I think of Evie? I don't even know an Evie'

I leaned my head closer out of the window 'Hm, maybe I'm just still shocked about what was on the news today?' I shook my head slightly, frustrated that even when relaxing I'm still stressed.

I took a deep breath of the cool air and reluctantly closed the window 'It feels nice but I don't want to get sick' I get bundled up in my blankets and grabbed my phone, going through some social media's.

'Totally not procrastinating texting Grandma, psh nooo'

It's not that I didn't want to talk to Grandma, it's just that I felt slightly guilty by going behind Mom's back and texting Grandma regardless of her telling me not to.

'I just want to get to know more about Dad and talk to her again like we did before Dad died'

I looked at my phone; not sure of what to do 'I've already messaged her back, Grandma would know that I'm ignoring her, but on the other hand maybe my conscious would be clear' I bit my lip, unsure of what to do but I ultimately do what I think is right.

"Hi Grandma, sorry I left you on read"

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