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I heard my friends' voice. It's our first day of school for this sem. Time flies really fast and also, I missed my friends a lot. This vacation kasi, halos kay Caeleb ako tumira at siya ang lagi kong kasama. Wala rin naman akong oras makipagkita kay Ellie and Zoe because they're also busy during this vacation.

"Huy! Magkablock pa rin ba tayo?" Zoe held my arms, as always naman.

"I guess so," Sagot ni Ellie.

"Edi kung ganon, tara na?" I smiled.

Immediately stopped when I saw Caeleb on our hallway. I blinked twice, ano ginagawa niya dito? Paano siya nakapasok? Zoe and Ellie glanced at each other with their smiles on their faces. They're both holding my arms, parehas nila 'kong tinulak palapit kay Caeleb. 

"Go on, sis. Una na kami." Zoe winked at me. Finally, she accepted everything that happened between the three of us. I feel relieved. Nauna na maglakad yung dalawa, ako lumapit kay Caeleb.

"What are you doing here?" I raised my brows and also I'm hiding my smile. 

"I came here to say good luck and study well for your first day." He smiled.

"Eh? You can text me naman." I'm kinda confused. Hindi ako sanay, I didn't also expect na ganito siya kasweet, funny thought. 

"Mabibigay ba 'to through text?" He gave me a paper bag. "Eat well and study well, love." He kissed my temple. 

"Baka ma-late ka. It's your first day din diba?" I'm worried now.

"Aalis na nga," He chuckled. "I'll see you later. Sunduin kita."

"Ano meron?" I asked. 

"Let's have dinner together." He waved his eyebrows. 

"Okay, just text me." I smiled, he gave me a soft kiss on my head. 

He left after that small conversation of us. When I reached our room, wala pa ang prof. I sat down on the chair in the middle of Ellie and Zoe, good thing, the prof came after right away. Kung hindi, aasarin na naman ako nitong dalawa. I'm blessed to have my friends. They're still here, supporting me with my plans and decisions in life, kahit ikakasira ko pa, lagi lang silang andyan. That's what friends are for. Right?

We attended our 3 classes together before lunch time. During lunch, we decided to eat at Burger King, namiss lang namin. We ordered and pay for our foods before sitting down. Sumingkit ang mata ko nang may makita akong familiar na mukha. Is it Benj or Jay? Caeleb's friend.

"Uy, Amanda." 

It's Jay.

I'm Coming Back, ManilaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon