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"There's no stock of pregnancy tests, sorry."

Ellie already sit with us. "Bakit? Are you pregnant?" She asked. 

"I don't know and I'm not sure." Sagot ko sa kaniya. "That's why I need a pregnancy test."

After eating with them, I got home already, sa condo pa rin ni Caeleb. I saw him doing his plates and probably he's already done eating his lunch. So, I decided to wash the dishes for him para hindi niya na isipin 'to. 

"How's lunch?" He asked while sketching on his plate.

"Uh- okay lang." Sagot ko habang hinuhugasan na ang mga pinagkainan niya.

After washing, lumapit ako sa kaniya para tingnan ang plate niya. He's almost done with it, polishing na lang ang kulang. Mas magaling nga sakin si Caeleb sa mga ganitong bagay. He's a very artistic guy at the same time intelligent in all aspects. 

"Ganda?" He asked. 

"Yes, sobra." Sagot ko sa kaniya. "Galing, love." I encircled my arms around his neck, nasa likod niya pa rin ako. 

"Tara nga dito," He faced me and pull me closer to him. I sat on his laps and I encircled my arms around his neck as a guide. "I missed you," He whispered on my neck.

"I missed you more, love." I caressed his hair.

"I'm sorry for being so busy these past weeks. Ang hirap pag graduating na." He sighed. 

"You can do it, love. Onti na lang." I caressed his cheeks. "Kaya mo 'yan, ikaw pa ba? Pag sumuko ka, hindi ikaw 'yon."

"I know, thank you." He gave me a small smile.

He suddenly held my nape, pulling me closer to him. He angled his face and hungrily reached my lips. He gave me a very deep and passionate kisses that gives me tummy butterflies. He started exploring the insides of my mouth using his tongue, so I did the same and that made him groaned.

"You still have plates to do," I stopped.

"Plates can wait.  But this, It can't wait." Sagot niya and hahalikan na sana niya 'ko ulit kaso tinakpan ko ang bibig niya.

"Plates before sex? Remember. Scammer ka ha!" I chuckled and pushed his forehead lightly.

"That was before," Sagot niya.

He held the both sides of my cheeks and crashed his lips again. I responded to every kisses he's doing. His hands started to roam his hands all over my body. From my neck down to my chest down to my laps. My eyes widened for a second when I felt that he stood up and he carried me. I encircled my legs on his hips as a guide for me, para hindi ako mahulog. 

I'm Coming Back, ManilaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon