Part 18

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There will be lot of mistakes in this chapter as i didnt get any time to check it. If you find any mistake let me know.


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All the conversation is in bold italic words....


The readers who arent interested in reading past can drop this chapter..


Enjoy the Chapter



Pinching the bridge of her nose Nandini takes a deep breath...

It was difficult for her to end things with him.

The only thing which was holding him to her has ended...

It wasn't easy for her to let him go...

But she has too....

Driving the car out of Saxena's driveway her eyes falls on a figure hurriedly walking on footpath surfing through their phone.



When the flash of light fell...Manik turn back frowning.... thinking it to be any public transport he can use to reach home...

But seeing the familiar car and knowing the owner being disappointed he kept walking hurriedly...

It was late at night. And her car were the only car on the road as the locality screams reachness...

So it was difficult to find any cab or auto here...when the already booked cab cancelled it on the last moment.


His steps halted when he hears her voice...with a screech sound of tires...

Turning to look at her he eyes her through the opened window and waits for her to continue...

Havnt you called any cab?

She asked worriedly.

Actually, I had. But they cancelled it at the end moment. And now i cant find any other transport near by who can pick me up.

He said disappointingly.

Its hard to get any transport here. As the people here have their own cars.
Come i will drop you...

She said.

No, you dont need to be trouble. I will find bus. Bus stop is hardly five minutes from here..

He said instantly denying her offer.

Its late. I doubt you will get a bus at this time of hour.

She said glancing at her watch...even he eyes his watch.

Which indicates 10 o'clock.

He was about to deny when his phone rings.

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